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Dave Murman

Sen. Dave Murman

District 38

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Property Taxes
October 2nd, 2019

Hello Neighbor,


I think that it’s safe to say that concerns about the property tax crisis that we are facing has become the topic of many conversations. Unfortunately, my colleagues and I were not able to achieve a consensus about how to provide property tax relief to Nebraska property owners this past session. As we slowly approach the upcoming session in January, I thought I’d share a few thoughts. 


I believe that LB 289, a comprehensive bill that would have provided full and fair funding to all schools while giving property owners relief that they needed, was the best package that we were going to see this Legislative Session. The bill repealed many sales tax exemptions, raised the sales tax by a half cent, maintained the property tax credit relief fund, etc. Many of the Senators in the body and the Governor all were opposed to the sales tax exemptions and raising the sales tax because they all campaigned on not raising taxes. Although in my opinion, I see that broadening the sales tax base would be beneficial in the future because we are truly in the face of a crisis. Another reason that we couldn’t pass property tax relief is because there was a standstill when it came to voting for a large business incentives bill (LB 720). I couldn’t believe that we were discussing giving large corporations in Nebraska a tax break when our land owners are struggling to even make their property tax payments. 


The Revenue committee has been meeting over the interim to try and create another comprehensive proposal to provide property tax relief. The plan is to have something drawn up this interim that we can all agree on so that once the session resumes in January, we will be able to pass it quickly and smoothly. I believe that the members of the Revenue committee have been working diligently to produce a proposal that we can agree on to provide property tax relief for hard working Nebraskans. 


If you haven’t already heard, there is a ballot initiative circulating to provide property tax relief. This ballot initiative is the voice of Nebraskans and if it passes, it will put the Nebraska Legislature in a position to create a solution. The legislature will have the incentive it needs to pay a $1.5 billion rebate to the property taxpayers of Nebraska each year. This initiative will show the legislature what the citizens really want and I encourage you to sign this ballot-initiative. You can find out more about this ballot initiative at


If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to call my office at 402-471-2732, email me at, or visit my Facebook page.

Sen. Dave Murman

District 38
Room 1107
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2732
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