The official site of the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature

Mike Jacobson

Sen. Mike Jacobson

District 42

The content of these pages is developed and maintained by, and is the sole responsibility of, the individual senator's office and may not reflect the views of the Nebraska Legislature. Questions and comments about the content should be directed to the senator's office at

I want to begin my remarks this week by thanking all the first responders and firefighters who have been battling the devastating grass fires that have returned to our area. I was contacted last week by Thomas County Sheriff Joseph Smith encouraging me to support legislation that increases opportunities to recruit and retain first responders and volunteer firefighters, as well as funding for equipment and a reliable communication network. This is a challenge faced by many in rural Nebraska, particularly the four counties north of Lincoln County. He sent me that text just as he was taking off his gun and badge to climb on to a firetruck to help fight the fires south of Mullen.

I continue to be amazed by the sense of duty demonstrated every day by many in our villages and towns who do everything possible to make these communities a great place to live and raise a family. I cannot say enough about all our first responders throughout the District!

Through last Friday (Day 35), the Governor has signed 18 bills into law, including two of my bills, LB38 and LB108e. There are 63 bills on General File (bills voted out of committee and waiting to be scheduled for floor debate), 14 bills that passed General File and are in Enrollment and Review Initial, 8 Bills on Select File, 24 in Enrollment & Review for Engrossing, and 13 bills on Final Reading.

Thus far, the Legislature is running ahead of the 2023 long session, but there are still several controversial bills either still in committee or yet to be scheduled by the Speaker. Once those bills get scheduled, you can expect filibusters to take place, but I remain optimistic.

The State Economic Forecasting Board met last week and raised their revenue forecast by $100 million in FY25 and another $65 million in FY26. This cuts the deficit projection significantly and helps the Legislature eliminate the budget deficit. However, it is an ongoing challenge to slow spending and increase revenues.

As vice-chair of the Revenue Committee, I am amazed that the number of “revenue” committee bills that have been heard in the committee thus far that have huge fiscal notes. Most people think that only the Appropriations Committee hears spending bills, but there are many bills heard in the Revenue Committee that either provide for tax credits or reductions in revenue that lower state revenues. To date, my “back of the envelope” calculations show nearly $1.5 billion in revenue losses if the committee approved every bill brought to it thus far in the committee. It is safe to assume that few if any of these bills will likely make it out of committee. There are many good ideas, just never enough money to fund them. Property tax reductions can only happen if spending is reduced.

Although the forecasting board brought some good news, there are certainly storms brewing on the federal level that suggest that the state could lose some of the federal funding it currently receives, including for federally mandated social programs. To the extent the state loses federal funding, we will have no choice but to make it up. For that reason, I anticipate opposing any bills with any significant spending component.

The Appropriations Committee is asked to submit its recommendations to the full Legislature by Day 70, which is scheduled to fall on Tuesday, April 27 this year. The forecasting board will meet again on April 25, the Friday prior to the date the state budget must be approved.

I look forward to continuing to hear from you about issues that are important to you. It is a privilege to serve as your State Senator, and I will continue to give my full effort to make a positive difference for the District and the State. You can reach me at or 402-471-2729.

Last Friday marked the 30th legislative day of our 90-day session. We have reached the 1/3 completed mark! We will continue with half-day floor debate followed by committee hearings every afternoon beginning at 1:30 each afternoon through the last full week of March. On March 31, the Legislature will move to all-day floor debate.

I was happy to get my first two bills passed on Final Reading on Friday: LB38 (geologist bill) and LB108 (firefighter cleanup bill). Both bills now head to the Governor’s desk for his signature. Getting these bills heard in committee early and voted to the floor made it possible to get them scheduled for floor debate and ultimately passed. As more and more bills are passed out of committee, there are more bills available for the Speaker to schedule for floor debate. Getting non-priority bills scheduled will become more difficult and, at some point, impossible, as only bills with a priority designation will be scheduled for floor debate.

The Speaker reminded Senators this week that individual and committee priority bill designations are due on March 14. Anyone wanting a bill to be considered for a Speaker Priority designation must have their request to the Speaker on or before March 13. Although there is no guarantee that all priority bills will be scheduled for debate, they are guaranteed to be heard ahead of non-priority bills outside of any consent agendas or those that have already begun moving through the process. There are several bills pending in committees that will be controversial bills. Many of those will likely get the introducing Senator’s priority designation. When they are scheduled for floor debate will likely impact how fast bills are heard going forward.

One topic we discussed last week was a pair of dueling Daylight Savings Time bills. Both bills were voted to Select File so everyone could have time to let the debate sink in and think about their preference. The first bill is LB34 introduced by Senator Hunt. Her bill would move Nebraska to year-round Daylight Savings Time, subject to Congressional approval. Colorado has already adopted a similar bill. The second bill is LB302, introduced by Senator Murman, which would place Nebraska on permanent Standard Time once at least three states that border Nebraska do the same. Although there was no consensus on which bill to support, we all agree that our constituents want to stop moving their clocks twice yearly.

Although I prefer to have more sunlight in the summer, it is becoming clearer that LB302 is probably the better option. The Nebraska Medical Association shared research that indicates that our bodies’ internal clocks, or circadian rhythms, are primarily regulated by natural sunlight exposure. Standard time aligns more closely with the sun’s position throughout the year and is better for syncing with these natural rhythms. Studies show that Daylight Savings Time causes people to temporarily misalign this rhythm causing sleep disruptions, fatigue, and increases in stress.

I still have concerns about how the time zone change and the changes in Daylight Savings Time could affect the areas of Nebraska in Mountain Time. Depending on how Colorado and Wyoming decide to operate, the areas of Nebraska in Mountain Time could be out of sync with Colorado, Wyoming, and more eastern parts of Nebraska.

It should also be remembered that permanent Daylight Savings Time would mean that the sun would not rise this time of the year until 9:00 a.m. Let that sink in. The next round of debate for these bills will probably be back on the schedule soon. If you have a strong opinion one way or another, please let me know. At this point, I plan to support LB302.

Unfortunately, not everyone will be happy with whatever decision we come to, but I hope everyone understands the issues.

I look forward to continuing to hear from you about issues that are important to you. It is a privilege to serve as your State Senator, and I will continue to give my full effort to make a positive difference for the District and the State. You can reach me at or 402-471-2729.

Given the recent railroad derailments that have occurred in the area, it might be good to update everyone on LB37, the Railroad Safety Act. This bill is very similar to bills introduced in the past by Senator Lynn Walz. I introduced the bill on January 9, and it was referenced to the Transportation and Telecommunications Committee on January 13. I have been working with the committee chair, Mike Moser, to schedule the bill’s public hearing soon. He has indicated that he plans to have the hearing in early March, but I am encouraging him to schedule it sooner. At this point, another Senator has already agreed to prioritize the bill, which allows me to keep my priority options open.

The bill, if passed, would do the following:

  1. Prohibits blocking a public crossing for more than 10 minutes.
  2. Prohibits obstructing a public crossing in a manner that delays an emergency vehicle in assisting a person or property in danger.
  3. Requires each railroad to offer training to fire departments with jurisdiction along tracks every three years to address general hazards of dangerous goods and hazardous substances, techniques to assess risks posed to the environment and to the safety of emergency responders and the public, factors an incident commander must consider in determining whether to attempt to suppress a fire or to evacuate an area, and other strategies for initial response by emergency responders.
  4. Provides protections to employees who report injuries or other violations.

The first two items do not apply if the train is continuously moving or if an event beyond the railroad’s control keeps a train, freight or passenger car, or railroad transportation engine from moving. Violations can result in fines up to $100,000.

The bill also allows a designated union representative receiving a report to enter a railroad’s place of operation during reasonable hours to investigate the report, provided that the union representative gives reasonable notice to the appropriate railroad officer.

Other bills of interest that will have been voted out of committee are the two bills dealing with daylight savings time. Although this seems like a trivial issue, there is good scientific evidence that changing our clocks twice a year has negative effects on our bodies.

The first bill, LB34, introduced by Senator Megan Hunt, moves us to year-round daylight savings time as long as the federal government allows for it and as long as three border states approve it. (I like the bill as long as it includes Colorado.) The second bill is LB302, introduced by Senator Dave Murman. This bill requires Iowa, Kansas, South Dakota, and Wyoming to also make the change. Once again, Colorado is not included. I see this as a problem for those of us who live and work around the line separating Central and Mountain Time. Both bills were sent to the floor to let the body decide if we make a change. Although this is not the biggest issues we will deal with this session, I would be interested in hearing from you as to how you want me to vote on this issue. My preference at this time is to move to permanent Daylight Saving Time as long as Colorado also changes.

In the coming weeks we will be seeing more bills on the floor that will have significant implications. I will keep you informed as we move forward.

It is a privilege to represent you in the Nebraska Legislature, and I look forward to hearing from you regarding issues that are important to you. I can be reached at 402-471-2729 or by emailing me at

The Legislature continues to move along. Monday, February 10 marks Day 23 of the 90-day session. The Legislature will continue floor debate each morning with standing committee meetings beginning at 1:30. So far, the Government, Military, and Veterans Affairs Committee holds the record for the longest committee hearing this session when they adjourned their hearing on LB89, Stand With Women Act, at 11:56 p.m. this past Friday.

The Legislature conducts a hearing for every bill and makes every effort to hear the testimony of anyone who wishes to testify. Generally, we hear all the proponents first, then opponents, followed by neutral testifiers. In the case of bills like LB89 where many testifiers are likely to attend, the Legislature uses annotated procedures where an overflow room is setup to divide the testifiers. Monitors are set up in the overflow to allow testifiers in the overflow room to view the ongoing testimony. The proponents are allowed to testify for one hour, then the opponents are brought in to hear their testimony for one hour, followed by any neutral testimony. Then the process is repeated until everyone has had an opportunity to testify in person should they choose to do so.

Of the 15 bills I introduced this session, two of the bills are referred to as “shell” bills. Shell bills are introduced so that the introducer can modify the bill during the session after the 10-day bill introduction is over. Any bill can be completely dismantled and rebuilt as an entirely different bill in committee after the hearing on the bill is held. The only other way to introduce a bill after the 10-day bill introduction is over is to introduce a bill on behalf of the Governor.

Of my remaining 13 bills, three have moved to Select File:

  • LB250, relating to composition of bank directors;
  • LB251, an omnibus banking bill; and
  • LB108, updating the firefighters pension plan,

LB38, a bill relating to professional geologists, is on Final Reading. The geologist’s bill was brought to me last summer by a constituent from Maxwell who is a licensed geologist. It may now be one of the first bills to reach the Governor’s desk for his signature. So, in many ways, this bill “rocks.”

This week, LB240, which updates notice dates for County officials on any newly approved TIF project, will be heard on General File. It was voted out of the Urban Affairs Committee unanimously and should move through the process quickly. I will be presenting LB527, Medical Access and Quality Act, on the floor as well. This bill resembles LB1087 from last year that granted access to over $1 billion in Federal Medicaid funds to help hospitals based on the number of Medicaid patients they serve. LB527 accesses over $100 million of federal funds to help physicians and medical personnel who treat Medicaid patients. I am hopeful that this bill moves on its own without the need for a Priority designation. Given the timing of its General File scheduling, I think we are in good shape moving forward.

One other bill I would like to mention this week is a bill introduced by Senator Hardin. LB168 would implement the 340B Contract Pharmacy Protection Act. This bill was heard last week in the Banking, Commerce, and Insurance Committee, and I have agreed to hold an executive session on Monday morning to accept an amendment to the bill and advance it to General File. This bill is essential to small rural non-profit hospitals. The bill allows these hospitals to purchase drugs at a reduced cost and use the spread to help fund essential needs. The large drug manufacturers have been running a misleading ad campaign suggesting that patients are being taken advantage of. The fact is, many of these hospitals would close if they did not have access to this program. This is a good bill and should be passed.

This will be a very busy week. Friday, February 14, will be our first recess day since January 21, and I know I share many of my colleagues’ enthusiasm to be able to spend some time back in our districts. So far, it’s been a productive session, but much of our important work is yet to come.

I look forward to continuing to hear from you about issues that are important to you. It is a privilege to serve as your State Senator, and I will continue to give my full effort to make a positive difference for the District and the State. You can reach me at or 402-471-2729.

As we begin the month of February, the pace of the Legislature will start to pick up. We are now spending the mornings debating bills moved to the floor from the 14 standing committees that have been meeting in the afternoons for bill hearings. Any bills voted out of committee and advanced to the floor are reviewed by the Speaker to be scheduled for floor debate. Most of the committees have scheduled hearings on bills that are primarily “clean-up” bills or bills that are non-controversial. Most of these bills had no negative testifiers and were voted out of committee unanimously. That will change in the coming weeks when more controversial bills are advanced to the floor.

I was fortunate to have two bills moved out of committee and advanced to Select File last week. The first bill, LB38, was brought to me by a constituent in Maxwell. The bill deals with updating statutes for professional geologists. The second bill was LB108, which cleans up the language of a bill I passed last year regarding firefighter pension plans. Both bills were passed unanimously out of committee, and both garnered over 40 votes on the floor. Two of my other bills have been advanced out of committee to General File. I hope to see those bills scheduled soon. They include LB250, which makes changes to residency rules for bank directors, and LB251 which is a bill that updates statutes for the Nebraska Department of Banking and Finance. Four down, eleven to go.

I have three bills that will have their public hearings this coming week:

On February 3, I will present LB525, the Agricultural Data Privacy Act. As the bill implies, it is intended to allow farmers and ranchers to protect the privacy of data collected from their farms and ranches. As precision agriculture continues to advance, more and more data will be collected. We need to set clear guidelines as to who owns the data, who can view the data, and who can sell the data. I am bringing this bill on behalf of the Governor, and appreciate his commitment to Nebraska’s largest industry. I think there is some work to be done on the language to ensure no unintended consequences, but LB525 is an important start to the conversation. I look forward to working with the Governor and our ag community to make the bill perfect.

On Tuesday, February 4, I will present the LB527, which will likely become my priority bill. It is the Medicaid Access and Quality Act. This bill, if passed and approved by CMS, would provide additional federal funding for Nebraska doctors and other individual providers who see Medicaid patients. It will also generate over $100 million to help reimburse the state for the lost Federal Medicaid Assistance Percentage (FMAP) revenue. These federal funds are paid to states as reimbursement for Medicaid mandates based on need. Since Nebraska’s economy is doing better than other states, our cut in funding was more than any other state, including California (in real dollars). No pressure, but the Governor is counting on this bill to pass this session.

On Wednesday, February 5, I will present LB529, which I brought on behalf of the Nebraska State Investment Council. The bill seeks to revise statutes limiting the term of state contracts for the Investment Council due to the nature of their business activities.

So far, the legislature is moving along on schedule. I hope that continues.

It is a privilege to represent you in the Nebraska Legislature, and I look forward to hearing from you regarding issues that are important to you. I can be reached at 402-471-2729 or by emailing me at

Last Friday marked the end of Day 12. This past week focused on debating rules changes forwarded by the Rules Committee. At the beginning of each biennium, the Legislature operates under “Temporary Rules” that mirror the permanent rules established at the beginning of the prior biennium. There were only two proposed rule changes that were forwarded by the committee to the full Legislature. They included a rule change proposed by Senator Ben Hansen which would allow the Legislature to vote on Gubernatorial appointments as a slate, as opposed to voting on each individual appointment. The rule allows for any individual appointments to be removed from the list and voted on individually if a Senator has concerns with that appointment. This rule change was noncontroversial and will be a huge time saver.

The second rule was proposed by Senator Tereasa Ibach, which would require the introducer of any bill to publish their “Statement of Intent” within three business days from the time the bill is referenced as opposed to waiting until the bill is scheduled for debate. The intent is to allow constituents to read a summary of a bill earlier in the process to understand its intent, as opposed to reading the entire bill. This is another good rule change and will be helpful to everyone.

After approving those two changes, Senator Kauth moved to amend the rules changes by including a rule change to eliminate the “Present Not Voting” vote and to change the cloture rule if members are absent. This idea was somewhat controversial because it was not voted out by the committee and had opposition. After several hours of debate, the Legislature voted to approve a limited version of the rule change. The final change requires all Senators present for the vote on Final Reading to vote yes or no. If you vote “Present Not Voting,” your vote will be recorded as “No” with an asterisk.

I know many constituents have opposed the “Present Not Voting” option because they want their Senators to clearly state their position on a bill with a clear vote. It is important to understand that there are several reasons for Senators to not be voting when they are present during the first and second rounds of debate. First, let’s remember that even if you are “checked in” you may be off the floor when a vote is held. You may be in the Rotunda, in meetings in your office, in the restroom, or any other number of places. If the vote is an important vote, the bill introducer will generally ask for a “call of the house” which requires all Senators who are checked in to return to the floor prior to the vote. The Red Coats or the State Patrol could come and get you if the bill introducers ask them to do so. However, if you are checked out, your vote will be recorded as Absent. Final Reading votes require all Senators to be in their seats unless they are checked out.

It is also important to keep in mind that it generally requires 25 “Yes” votes to pass a bill, amendment, or motion. A present not voting is the same as a “No” vote since you did not vote yes.

Following this rule change, Senator McKinney tried to amend the rules to remove the 20-bill limit approved last year. After much debate, that rule change failed. I believe that 20 bills are a large number of bills to manage and also interfere with your attendance in your assigned committee when you are presenting your bills to other committees. I think we owe it to our constituents who travel across the state to testify to be present to hear them testify as much as possible.

This week, we will host Chief Justice Funke for his State of the Judiciary Address on Wednesday. Thursday, we will begin morning floor debate as bills begin to be advanced to the floor by committees. Hearings on bills before the standing committees will continue in the afternoons.

As a reminder, if you are not able to make the trip to Lincoln but have views on a particular bill you would like to share, each bill will have a public comment link at the top of its page once it is scheduled for hearing. If you submit comments up to 500 words in length. If they are submitted before 8:00 a.m. CT on the day of the bill’s hearing, you can opt for your comments to be included in the hearing record. If you don’t want your comments included in the record or make your comments later in the process, all of those comments are still available for Senators to read and review.

I look forward to continuing to hear from you about issues that are important to you. It is a privilege to serve as your State Senator, and I will continue to give my full effort to make a positive difference for the District and the State. You can reach me at or 402-471-2729.

Last Friday marked the end of Day 8. The first week focused on electing our leadership and the chair of the Committee on Committees. From there, committee assignments were determined and the first of the bills for this session were filed. Last week, the standing committees elected their vice-chairs, which are elected at the committee level rather than the entire body. I was fortunate to be elected Vice Chair of the Revenue Committee. I look forward to working with Senator Brad von Gillern, who chairs the committee, to make progress on fixing our broken tax system.

I have gotten several questions regarding the current projected revenue shortfall of over $430 million as we enter this biennium. The shortfall is based on a significant projected revenue decline anticipated by the Revenue Forecasting Board. However, their December projection increased revenues by approximately $200 million, cutting the shortfall by nearly half.

I was part of a small group of Senators who had an early look at the Governor’s budget and discussed his plan to remove any shortfalls. The plan focuses primarily on cutting state spending and repealing some of the spending bills passed in 2023 and 2024. In the end, the Governor’s proposed budget would reduce state spending by half a percent as opposed to the normal 2-3% increase. On a $5.5 billion state budget, this adds up to real money. Of course, these budget recommendations are subject to modification by the Appropriations Committee and, ultimately, the full Legislature.

On Thursday, the Rules Committee held hearings all afternoon to allow the public to weigh in on 24 proposed rule changes. It is important to remember that rule changes are very hard to make because there is no limit to debate if a proposed rule change is voted to the floor. In 2017, the Legislature spent the first 30 legislative days debating changes to the filibuster rule. In the end, the attempt failed and the Legislature moved on to other business. There are some proposed rule changes this year that seem to have broad support. Those rules could see traction on the floor if they are voted out of committee.

One of the proposed rule changes would change the filibuster rule again. Today it takes 33 votes to pass a cloture motion to end debate. More importantly, it takes 17 “no” or abstaining votes to defeat a cloture vote. The third caucus has 16 Senators, the first caucus has 16 Senators, and the Second caucus has 17 Senators. Lowering the threshold to end debate would require even more members to stop a bill from progressing. All too often, the focus is on stopping the minority party from holding up legislation, but the minority could also be urban vs rural. A former Senator once told me, “Be careful what you wish for.” I have never forgotten that. I am skeptical when it comes to making changes to this rule.

The urban/rural divide often becomes very apparent when we’re talking about Nebraska’s tax structure. As we focus on ways to reduce property taxes, there have been several ideas expressed over the years. This year Senator Hardin re-introduced the EPIC tax. As many of you know, I am not a fan of EPIC because the plan would send all taxes to Lincoln and the Legislature would decide how the funds are divided. When you consider who controls the votes in Lincoln, how comfortable are you that enough funding would be appropriated to rural Nebraska?

Senator Kathleen Kauth also introduced LR12CA, a constitutional amendment that would change how property taxes are assessed. The problem I see with the proposal is that it eliminates the lower valuation for agricultural land (currently at 75% of market value) and simply caps taxes at 1.5% of the present market value. If passed, this would be horrible for farmers and ranchers because it would compound the property tax problem for owners of agricultural land. The imbalance of values and the tax burden on agricultural land has been far out of balance. The gap has worsened as more and more investors have jumped into the market. We can’t forget these unintended consequences when crafting tax policy.

I look forward to continuing to hear from you about issues that are important to you. It is a privilege to serve as your State Senator, and I will continue to give my full effort to make a positive difference for the District and the State. You can reach me at or 402-471-2729.

This past Friday marked the end of Day 3 of the 109th Legislature. The first day was devoted to officer and committee chair elections. I am happy to report that I was elected as chair of the Banking, Commerce, and Insurance Committee and, as a result, I have moved to office 1117 designated for the Banking Committee chair. With this change, I now have a larger team working with me. Joshua Christolear is my committee Legal Counsel, and Tori Osborne has become my new Legislative Aid. Kristina Konecko will continue as my Administrative Aid. Joe Murray has secured a Legislative Aid position with newly elected Senator Dan McKeon. I want to thank Joe for his past service and look forward to working with a truly awesome team!

My legislative email will remain the same (, and my constituents can still reach my office at 402-471-2729.

I spent most of this past week moving into the new office and attending meetings of the Committee on Committees. Having served on this committee last year, I had a good idea of what to expect. I was not disappointed.

We often talk about the “nonpartisan” Nebraska Legislature, but clearly, the Legislature is filled with 49 Senators who are either registered Republicans, Democrats, or Independents. The current Legislature consists of 33 Republicans, 15 Democrats, and one Independent. Although political affiliation does not matter on many bills, there are bills that become very partisan, such as social bills, gun bills, and tax bills. It goes without saying that those in the majority party want to control the leadership and makeup of key committees to help ensure that important bills can be voted out of committee and other bills can be stalled.

For purposes of committee assignments, Senators are divided into three caucuses, roughly along similar lines to those of Nebraska’s three Congressional Districts. The Third Caucus is heavily Republican. The First and Second Caucuses are more evenly divided, with Republicans having a slight majority in the First and one more Democrat than Republican in the Second. Since the First and Second Caucuses have nearly equally split, the practice has been to appoint two from each party to the Committee on Committees and one each to the Executive Board. However, this year the Second Caucus deviated from this practice and filled all their seats on the Committee on Committees and Executive Board with Democrats. Meanwhile, the First Caucus stayed with tradition and split the two bodies equally.

The role of Committee on Committee members is to bring their caucus’s preferences to the committee as it works through committee assignments following the election of committee chairs. Committees are filled by rotating between each caucus in order following the chair. So, if the chair is in the first caucus, then the next member is from the second caucus, then the third caucus, and so on. Of course, the committee must also ensure that each Senator has a committee assignment for each day of the week.

This year, the primary disagreement was over who would serve on the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee. The Second Caucus had the right to appoint three of the eight members to the committee because the Chair (Sen. Rita Sanders) is in the First Caucus. The makeup of the committee in the previous biennium was five Republicans and three Democrats. So, when the second caucus appointed three Democrats to the committee, the balance shifted the control to the Democrats on a 5-3 basis. Ultimately, after much debate, the First and Third caucus made trades to move Senators Conrad and Raybould to the Natural Resources Committee to balance the Government Committee. I feel bad for both Senators because they have seniority, but there was no other way to get to the desired outcome.

I truly apprecite both Senator Conrad and Senator Raybould for their understanding and grace in moving forward with their new committee assignments. I have developed a good relationship with both Senators over the past two years and believe we can continue to work together on bills on which we have a common agreement.

I am optimistic that we can accomplish much this coming session if we can put partisanship behind us and focus on getting results for Nebraskans. I look forward to seeing what ideas will be put forward this year as we continue with bill introduction and hear the Governor’s State of the State Address on Wednesday.

It is a privilege to represent you in the Nebraska Legislature, and I look forward to hearing from you regarding issues that are important to you. I can be reached at 402-471-2729 or by emailing me at

January 8th, 2025

Thank you for visiting my website. It is an honor to represent the people of the 42nd legislative district in the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature.

You’ll find my contact information on the right side of this page, as well as a list of the bills I’ve introduced this session and the committees on which I serve. Please feel free to contact me and my staff about proposed legislation or any other issues you would like to address.

Sen. Mike Jacobson

As we begin the new year, we also begin a new legislative session. On Wednesday, January 8, we begin the 109th Legislative Session. Since this is the beginning of a new biennium, the first day begins with the swearing-in of the newly elected Senators and the election of leadership for the coming two years.

This day also marks the end of the term for those 15 Senators who are term-limited. I want to personally thank them for their service and wish them well in the next phase of their lives. I also want to welcome the newly elected Senators who will replace them. In western Nebraska, we will be welcoming Paul Strommen (District 41) and Tanya Storer (District 43). Both Paul and Tanya have already made very positive impressions with the rest of the body; I have no doubt that they will represent their districts very well.

I was invited to attend a meeting on Friday at the Governor’s residence to discuss the Governor’s proposed budget proposal. As of the latest Forecasting Board revenue projections, revenues were reduced to the point that the current budget projects a $432,639,146 deficit for the upcoming biennium ending on June 30, 2027. If no changes are made in this biennium, the deficit will grow to $1,128,632,184 by the end of the next biennium, ending on June 30, 2029. But, since our state Constitution requires a balanced budget, adjustments will need to be made this session.

Some have suggested that we have plenty of money in reserves, so there is nothing to worry about. That is generally true, but we need to keep in mind that, in addition to our rainy-day fund, there are many funds within various agencies that have large reserves that are committed for future projects that are still in development stages. The more relevant funds to target are Cash Funds. Cash funds represent funds that were allocated to various agencies for operating expenses that went unspent during the fiscal year. Those funds will clearly be targeted to be swept to help fund the current deficit since they are not committed to other projects.

In addition to using cash funds to assist in funding the deficit, I am happy to share that the Governor’s budget focuses on spending cuts and, in particular, the repeal of several bills that were passed this in the last few years that had spending tied to them.

Although I have some reservations about a few of the cuts, I understand the need to have a fair approach to balancing the budget. Keep in mind that this is the Governor’s proposal, which only serves as a starting point for the Legislature’s budget process. The hundreds of bills that will be introduced during the first 10 days of the session will certainly include bills that will run counter to what the Governor will propose or request spending. But in the end, one thing that must be completed in the upcoming 90-day session is approving a budget.

Keep in mind that the Forecasting Board will continue to meet and will update the revenue forecast each time. Many of us are skeptical of the significant reduction in forecasted revenues. Hopefully, the forecast will be adjusted higher as we move forward. Meanwhile, we will work with the numbers we have to work with.

I will continue to keep you updated as the session moves forward. It should be interesting.

I look forward to continuing to hear from you about issues that are important to you. It is a privilege to serve as your State Senator, and I will continue to give my full effort to make a positive difference for the District and the State. You can reach me at or 402-471-2729.

Sen. Mike Jacobson

District 42
Room 1523
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2729
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