The Legislative Council is governed by an Executive Board, which supervises all legislative services and employees. By law, the board employs personnel and sets salaries as needed “to carry out the intent and activities of the Legislature or the board.” The board is responsible for processing legislation involving the following subject areas:
The Executive Board consists of a chairperson, vice chairperson, the speaker, and six other senators. Board members are chosen at the beginning of the first session of a Legislature and serve a two-year term. The Legislature at-large elects the chairperson and vice chairperson. Two board members are chosen to represent each of three geographical caucuses. The chairperson of the Appropriations Committee serves as a nonvoting ex officio member of the board when it considers fiscal matters.
Members of the Executive Board also serve as the Reference Committee, which refers introduced bills, resolutions and gubernatorial appointments to the standing committees according to subject jurisdiction.
Nebraska’s unique Unicameral Legislature relies heavily on the “second house” – the citizens of the State of Nebraska. Ensuring that members of the public have the opportunity to have their voices heard is vital to the legislative process. The link below explains the ways for citizens to share their views on a bill with the Legislature.
You are currently browsing the Executive Board of the Legislative Council blog archives for the year 2025.
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