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Natural Resources Committee

Natural Resources Committee is a Wednesday/Thursday/Friday committee that meets in Hearing Room 1525 on the first floor of the State Capitol.

Wednesday, January 19th at 1:30pm:

-LB804 (Hughes): Change compensation of certain members of the Nebraska Power Review Board

-LB 809 (Moser): Change powers and duties of the Department of Environment and Energy and provisions relating to the use of certain funds relating to water

-LB 746 (Friesen): Eliminate the requirement that the Director of Natural Resources be a professional engineer

-LB 775 (Brewer): Prohibit land disposal of wind turbine blades and their component parts


Wednesday, January 26th at 1:30pm:

-LB925 (Gragert): Adopt the Resilient Soils and Water Quality Act and state intent regarding appropriations

-LB981 (Hilkemann): Revive the Trail Development Assistance Act and State intent to transfer funds

-LB978 (Hughes): Provide powers and duties to the treatment of dredged and fill material under the Environmental Protection Act

-Gubernatorial Appointments (Nebraska Game and Parks Commission): Patrick Berggren, Douglas Zingula


Thursday, January 27th at 1:30pm:

-LB1047 (Bostelman)– Change requirements regarding annual load and capability reports filed with the Nebraska Power Review Board

-LB1046(Bostelman) – Change provisions relating to selection of the board of directors and chief executive officer of certain public power districts

-LB736 (Bostar) – Redefine E-85 for grants for ethanol infrastructure projects

Friday, January 28th at 1:30pm:

LB806 (Bostelman)– Change provisions relating to drainage of land by the landowner

LB924 (Brewer)– Include cities of the first class as grant recipients under the Waste Reduction and Recycling Incentive Act

LB1058 (Brewer)– Provide requirements for public power suppliers relating to base-load units

Wednesday, February 2 at 1:30pm:

LB1082 (Gragert) – Require the Game and Parks Commission to provide certain organ and tissue donation information on applications for certain hunting and fishing permits

LB803 (Hughes) – Redefine immediate family for purposes of obtaining limited permits for deer, antelope, wild turkey, or elk

LB1045 (Bostelman)– Change qualifications of certain public power district board members

Thursday, February 3 at 1:30pm:

LB1102 (Bostelman)– Adopt the Nebraska Environmental Response Act and change provisions relating to enforcement of environmental protection 

LB1262 (Murman)– Adopt the Recreation Area Assistance Act and state intent regarding appropriation of federal funds

Wednesday, February 9 at 1:30pm:

LB1015 (Hilgers) – Adopt the Perkins County Canal Project Act

LB1099 (Bostelman)– Create the Nebraska Hydrogen Hub Industry Work Group

Thursday, February 10 at 1:30pm:

Nebraska Ethanol Board: Scott McPheeters & Taylor Nelson

LB1023 (Hilgers)– Adopt the Lake Development Act and the Water Recreation Enhancement Act

LB1185 (Morfeld)– Change provisions relating to the powers of an electric cooperative corporation

Wednesday, February 16 at 1:30pm:

Game and Parks: Scott Cassels (Reappointment) 

LB1081(Bostar) – Provide for a grant program for the design, construction, and implementation of water transport infrastructure under the Department of Natural Resources and state intent to appropriate federal funds

LB1186 (Bostar) – Rename and change provisions of the Oil Pipeline Reclamation Act

Thursday, February 17 at 1:30pm:

Power Review Board: Bridget Troxel Peck (Appointment)

Wednesday, February 23 at 1:30pm:

Nebraska Oil and Gas Commission: Paul Stroman & Dallen Juelfs

Wednesday, March 16th at 12pm:

LR102 (Wishart)Provide the Legislature take steps to combat the climate and ecological crisis

Please familiarize yourself with the new updated policies for public input below.

Committee Members
  • Sen. Tom Brandt, Chairperson
  • Sen. Stan Clouse
  • Sen. Danielle Conrad
  • Sen. Barry DeKay (VC)
  • Sen. Jana Hughes
  • Sen. Margo Juarez
  • Sen. Mike Moser
  • Sen. Jane Raybould
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