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Julie Slama

Sen. Julie Slama

District 1

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Second Session Kickoff Column
January 10th, 2022

On January 5th, the 107th Nebraska Legislature convened for its second regular session. The Legislature’s second session is a bit different in that all bills from the first session carry over to the second. Instead of considering around 700 bills, we will likely be considering over 1,200.

Four senators have already prioritized bills from 2021, and this column will focus on the first piece of legislation up for debate early this week– Senator Halloran’s LR 14– a Resolution to Congress for convention of the states to propose a narrow set of amendments to the United States Constitution. This resolution would give Nebraska a seat at the table during the Convention of States. LR 14 brings up three specific amendment proposals: limiting the size and scope of the federal government, spending limits on the federal government, and term limits for Congress.

The federal government’s power has rocketed to the front of everyone’s minds with COVID-19, when we have seen multiple examples of the federal government destroying individual liberties for the sake of a perceived “common good.” An overreaching federal government is an affront to the foundation of the United States.

LR 14 calls for the Convention of States to consider putting fiscal restraints, like a balanced budget requirement, on the federal government. As I write this, the US National Debt is over 29 trillion dollars (you can always see the current national debt at The federal government’s reckless spending threatens the financial stability of our country for now and for future generations.

Finally, LR 14 calls for the Convention of States to consider term limits for U.S. Representatives and Senators. Don Young of Alaska is currently the longest-serving congressman, serving for nearly 49 years. Patrick Leahy of Vermont follows right behind as the longest-serving member of the Senate, serving for 46 years. Former President Harry S. Truman is famously quoted as saying “term limits would cure both senility and seniority– both terrible legislative diseases.” Entrenched federal representatives lack the basic life experiences needed to serve their districts well. The last few decades of dysfunction in Washington underscore the need for term limits.

If LR 14 passes, the Convention of States could address many of the structural issues in our country. LR 14 fights for the rights of individual states and the freedoms Americans enjoy by setting clear limits on the federal government’s power, balancing our country’s budget, and stopping career politicians in their tracks.

As always, I welcome your input on issues important to you. Follow along on my Facebook and Twitter pages, both entitled “Senator Julie Slama” for more updates, or contact me directly at Senator Julie Slama, District 1 State Capitol, PO Box 94604, Lincoln NE 68509-4604; telephone: 402-471-2733; email:

Sen. Julie Slama

District 1
Room 1117
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2733
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