The official site of the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature

Julie Slama

Sen. Julie Slama

District 1

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Redistricting Reflections
October 14th, 2021

On September 30th, Nebraska Legislature adjourned until January 2022 after successfully completing the Redistricting Special Session. Our Legislature completed its Constitutional duty of redrawing the boundaries of  79 different districts across 6 maps. Due to COVID-related census delays, a process that normally takes nine months was condensed into three weeks to prevent delays in Nebraska’s May 2022 primary elections. This column will reflect on some of the changes to maps in District 1.

If you live in Pawnee, Richardson, Nemaha, and Johnson Counties- there were no changes made during Redistricting that impact your districts or representatives. Legislative District 1 is still entirely in the 5th District for the University’s Board of Regents (represented by Rob Schafer), the 1st District for the Public Service Commission (represented by Dan Watermeier), the 5th Supreme Court Judicial District, and the 5th District for the Nebraska State Board of Education (represented by Patricia Timm).

The biggest changes for Southeast Nebraska are the additions of Otoe County to Congressional District 3 and Nebraska City to Legislative District 1. Otoe County is a strong fit in Congressional District 3. Its communities of interest fit well with the rest of Southeast Nebraska and the rest of rural Nebraska, which are represented by Rep. Adrian Smith. Personally, I have been very impressed by Congressman Smith’s accessibility and participation in events across his district, which stretches from Chadron to Rulo. I’m confident he will represent Otoe County well.

In the past decade, Otoe County and Nebraska City were split between Legislative Districts 1 and 2. Now, the entirety of the county and city is in Legislative District 1. Therefore, I would like to officially welcome around 4,000 new Otoe County constituents to District 1. Senator Clements and I always considered ourselves as jointly representing Nebraska City and Otoe County, so there won’t be any major changes to your representation in the Legislature. Uniting Nebraska City will be beneficial for District 1, and it’s an honor to continue serving you.

Our Legislature has a full slate for its upcoming January session. We will explore the major issues in more detail in columns throughout the fall, including fighting against government mandates, growing our rural economy, strengthening our pro-life laws, bringing Constitutional Carry to Nebraska, cutting taxes, and further securing our elections. You have my word that I’ll continue to stay true to our values and provide honest, transparent updates. Until then- have a blessed and plentiful harvest.

As always, I welcome your input on issues important to you. Follow along on my Facebook and Twitter pages, both entitled “Senator Julie Slama” for more updates, or contact me directly at Senator Julie Slama, District 1 State Capitol, PO Box 94604, Lincoln NE 68509-4604; telephone: 402-471-2733; email:

Sen. Julie Slama

District 1
Room 1117
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2733
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