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Julie Slama

Sen. Julie Slama

District 1

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Week of January 10th
February 20th, 2020

LB 1208 and LB 131

The last two weeks of committee hearings are upon us, which means that late night debate is just around the corner. The 482 total bills introduced this session will have each had a public hearing by February 27. The focus of the column this week will be two bills which originated in the Judiciary Committee that would potentially compromise the safety of our corrections officers and our communities. This past week, we heard testimony on LB 1208 which relates to restrictive housing, immediate segregation, discipline, and other conditions of confinement in state correctional facilities. 

 “Restrictive housing” is a term used within the Nebraska Department of Corrections when an inmate is moved from the general population to a more restricted setting with less contact with other inmates and less time spent outside the cell, typically due to attempted assaults on staff or other inmates. LB 1208 placed limitations on Department of Corrections’ use of restrictive housing with our most dangerous inmates, setting caps for the amount of days an inmate could spend in restrive housing and setting a minimum number of hours to be spent outside the cell each day.

Many leaders in corrections opposed this bill during public hearing because it would compromise the safety of staff and of the prisons as a whole. Dozens of staff members at TSCI reached out to my office, as well, to share their concerns with a bill that prioritized inmate comfort over staff safety. 

According to the hearing testimony of the Director of the Nebraska Department of Corrections, Scott Frakes, Nebraska was 2nd in the nation for the percentage of inmates held in restrictive housing in 2015. Of the 5,162 people incarcerated in NDCS, 685 were in restrictive housing, with 173 of those held in “administrative segregation”.  Over 45% of the people who are considered for placement in immediate segregation instead go to an alternative, less restrictive setting. The Department of Corrections has lowered the number of inmates in restrictive housing since that time by 60%, with a mere 273 inmates in restrictive housing today. Director Frakes also shared that LB 1208 would decrease prison safety and has the potential to increase risks to staff, inmates, visitors and the public at large. LB 1208 represents an initiative that would work only in a hypothetical world with unlimited resources for building facilities up to the most modern standards possible and the ability to double our staffing numbers at correctional facilities across the state. I oppose the bill because we must legislate based on current conditions, and those current conditions paired with the mandates of LB 1208 would put staff in danger.

Another corrections bill that is a carry-over from last session is LB 131. This bill, which I oppose, would allow dangerous felons back into our communities before the originally-scheduled completion date of their minimum sentence. The amended bill, which passed through committee with me as the only vote in opposition, would restructure sentencing to make felons eligible for release, in some cases after serving only a quarter of their original minimum sentence. In the first round of floor debate on this bill, it was shared that LB 131 was meant to address the prison overcrowding crisis in Nebraska. For me, releasing felons who have been convicted of heinous crimes such as sexual assault of a child, manslaughter, repeat DUIs, kidnapping, attempted murder, drug trafficking and human trafficking is far too high a price to pay for the potential of lowering our states incarceration rate by a few dozen people. I oppose this bill, and will continue to do so on the floor. 

As always, I welcome your input on issues important to you. Follow along on my Facebook and Twitter pages, both entitled “Senator Julie Slama” for more updates, or contact me directly at Senator Julie Slama, District 1 State Capitol, PO Box 94604, Lincoln NE 68509-4604; telephone: 402-471-2733; email:

Week of January 6th
January 13th, 2020

The second session of the 106th Nebraska Legislature has officially begun. We are in the midst of the first ten days of session, which is the only time that Senators can introduce bills. I introduced six bills and one resolution on the first day of session. You can read all bills introduced and follow their status on the Legislature’s website. My bills for this session focus on addressing issues within our district and repealing other statutes to make our government more efficient.

LR 288 is a resolution to urge Congress and the United States Corps of Engineers to reprioritize flood control as a top priority for the management of water systems under their authority in the Missouri River Mainstem Reservoir System Water Control Manual. This resolution has already received bipartisan support and will be a chance for the Legislature to publicly endorse a plan to prioritize the lives and livelihoods of people downstream with improved flood control.

LB 788 pertains to the Department of Labor. This bill would change a report date from July 1 of each year to December 31 of each year, and would also change an application or renewal fee. This is a clean-up bill for the Department of Labor which repeals over a dozen statutes that are outdated and unused.

LB 789 cracks down on those who violate school bus stop signal arms. This bill would allow a school bus driver to report violators of the school bus stop arm with local law enforcement. Law enforcement could then investigate those reports and issue a citation if the investigation proves a violation has occurred. 

LB 790 is a bill introduced on behalf of the Department of Administrative Services. The bill expands the Department of Administrative Services’ negotiating powers and will save taxpayers millions in excess spending if passed.

LB 791 is a bill to expand the Livestock Animal Welfare Act. If a person is convicted of livestock abuse or neglect and the court orders such person to not own or possess a livestock animal, LB 791 adds that person could not own or possess any other animal, including pets. 

LB 792 gives our law enforcement officers another tool in their fight against methamphetamines and other hard drugs by allowing them to aggregate amounts of the drugs sold to them in sting operations to upgrade their charges. This bill combats the issue of meth dealers habitually being arrested one day, then back out on the streets the next.

LB 793 cracks down on entitlement fraud by bringing it to the same level of crime as theft. Statutes to outline the penalties for theft were updated nearly a decade ago with LB 605, but the same changes were not made for fraud to entitlement programs, like Medicaid and food stamps. This created a loophole in our statutes that needs to be closed with LB 793.

As always, I welcome your input on issues important to you. Follow along on my Facebook and Twitter pages, both entitled “Senator Julie Slama” for more updates, or contact me directly at Senator Julie Slama, District 1 State Capitol, PO Box 94604, Lincoln NE 68509-4604; telephone: 402-471-2733; email:

Sen. Julie Slama

District 1
Room 1117
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2733
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