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Tony Vargas

Sen. Tony Vargas

District 7

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Sine Die!
August 14th, 2020

The 2020 session has adjourned sine die!

Over the last 3 weeks, my colleagues and I returned to our State Capitol to finish the remaining 17 days of the session.

During this biennium session, I passed 18 bills:

LB 292 – Appropriates $500,000 in each year of the biennium to the Department of Education for the reinstatement of the Nebraska Information Technology Initiative under the Center for Student Leadership and Expanded Learning Act;
LB 478 – Prohibits evidence of a minor’s consent in any civil proceeding involving certain alleged sex offenses;
LB 477 + 477 (A) – Provide an income tax exemption for Segal AmeriCorps Education Awards;
LB 515 – Protects all students’ constitutional right to due process and fundamental fairness;
LB 678 – Adopts the Alternative Certification for Quality Teachers Act;
LB 694 – Change matching fund requirements under the Nebraska Affordable Housing Act;
LB 713 – Provide for long-term analyses from the Legislative Fiscal Analyst;
LB 737 – Change requirements for an annual status report relating to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund;
LB 739 – Change procedures and requirements for use of restrictive housing of inmates;
LB 1018 – (Amended into LB 1008) Appropriates $6.5 million of general funds to local public health departments;
LB 1019 – (Amended into LB 1008) Appropriates $3 million of general funds to federally qualified health centers
around the state;
LB 1050 – (Amended into LB 1008) Appropriates additional funds to the Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education for the Nebraska Opportunity Grant Program;
LB 1089 – Require all high school students to complete and submit a FAFSA;
LB 1147 (Amended into LB 1188) – moves the administration, maintenance, and operations of any building where a juvenile committed to the Office of Juvenile Services for placement at a youth rehabilitation and treatment center resides away from the Department of Administrative Services and back to the Department of Health and Human Services;
LB 1148 – Protect children by providing legislative and judicial oversight of youth committed to Youth Rehabilitation Treatment Centers;
LB 1149 (Amended into LB 1188) – improve programming and quality of care for youth committed to the Office of Juvenile Services;
LB 1155 (Amended into LB 866) – Adopt the Middle Income Workforce Housing Investment Act and transfer funds from the General Fund;
LB 1210 (Amended into LB 881) – Create the offense of sexual exploitation of a student.

Engaging with constituents and community leaders is by far my favorite duty as a Senator. Even though I have only been able to be in touch with my constituents virtually over the last few months, I am so glad that we have been able to stay connected. Your position and insight on legislation has been and will continue to be invaluable.

Though we have adjourned, my work as your senator continues. Throughout the spread of COVID-19, I have assisted countless Nebraskans in filing and receiving their unemployment and applying for small business loans. If you are still experiencing delays or issues filing for unemployment, please feel free to contact my office.

I also introduced a number of interim studies that will help guide my research and preparation for the next legislative session. If you are interested in contributing to any of them please reach out to let me know. You can find them listed here

I am honored to represent District 7 in the Nebraska Legislature. Coming home to District 7 every night to my family is the greatest privilege of my life. As my wife Lauren and I raise our daughter, Ava, and prepare to welcome our son into the world early next year, I could not be more proud to raise them in District 7.

As always, please feel free to reach out to me or my office at 402.471.2721,, or any social media. My Legislative Aide, Meg Mandy, and Administrative Aide, Cristina Prentice are also willing and eager to help.

Best regards,
Senator Tony Vargas
Nebraska Legislature, District 7
Facebook: @TonyVargasNE; Twitter: @TonyVargas;Instagram: @tonyvargasne

Sen. Tony Vargas

District 7
Room 1000
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2721
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