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Megan Hunt

Sen. Megan Hunt

District 8

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We urged reproductive rights supporters to wear pink at the Nebraska State Capitol while lawmakers debated a bill that bans abortion. I am proud to stand with advocates and my colleagues to support Nebraskans’ rights.









Yesterday April 6th, Nebraska Legislature took a historic vote to block LB 993, a total abortion ban. The bill failed in a 31 to 15 vote. Nebraska managed to defeat a bill that would have totally banned abortion in the state, and the filibuster took over 8 hours!

I want to thank all the advocates, volunteers, and colleagues who worked tirelessly to stop this injustice from passing. Issues like these are what motivated me and got me into politics in the first place. In the future, I’ll continue to be a champion for reproductive rights and make sure abortion remains safe and legal in Nebraska.

If you emailed your senator, came to support in person, or reposted information on social media. You are helping the voices of Nebraska be heard. Remember, every election is vital for protecting Nebraskan’s reproductive rights.

Reproductive rights ARE personal rights. You can listen to my remarks about LB 933 here.

How They Voted: 

Yes (31): Aguilar, Albrecht, Arch, Bostelman, Brandt, Brewer, Briese, Clements, Dorn, Erdman, Flood, Friesen, Geist, Gragert, Halloran, B. Hansen, Hilgers, Hilkemann, Hughes, Jacobson, Kolterman, Lindstrom, Linehan, Lowe, McDonnell, Moser, Murman, Sanders, Slama, Stinner, Williams

No (15): Blood, Bostar, J. Cavanaugh, M. Cavanaugh, Day, DeBoer, M. Hansen, Hunt, McCollister, McKinney, Morfeld, Pansing-Brooks, Vargas, Walz, Wishart

Excused (3): Lathrop, Pahls, Wayne


Sen. Megan Hunt

District 8
Room 2107
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2722
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