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Bruce Bostelman

Sen. Bruce Bostelman

District 23

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Update 3/3
March 3rd, 2022

This week we wrapped up public hearings for all new bills for the 2022 session, and next week we will move into full-day floor debate. All Senator and Committee Priority Bills for the session have now been designated.

My bill, LB1102 was advanced from committee to General File, and was selected as 1 of 25 speaker priority bills by Speaker Hilgers. Speaker priority bills are meant to be important, but usually non-controversial bills. LB1102 ensures that the responsible parties, rather than Nebraska taxpayers, are held accountable for clean up in the case of a spill that may require remediation. The bill also authorizes the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) director to issue cease and desist orders if the director finds a situation that presents substantial harm in order to quickly end the situation.

I have co-sponsored LB1143, introduced by Senator Linehan. LB1143 prohibits the current practice of public school districts and ESUs forming agreements that allow them to issue new bonds without a vote of the people. LB1143 would require the bond question be submitted to the voters at as part of a statewide primary or general election.

LB1241 introduced by Senator Lathrop passed the first round of debate. This bill streamlines the process of reciprocity for law enforcement officers moving to Nebraska that are already certified in another state, to become certified in Nebraska.

On February 23rd, Governor Ricketts appointed Mike Jacobson of North Platte to fill the vacant seat for Legislative District 42, following Senator Groene’s resignation. I look forward to working with Senator Jacobson and welcome him to the legislature.

Bio Nebraska, a non-profit trade association, announced scholarship opportunities for Nebraska high school seniors looking to pursue studies in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). These scholarships are available to individuals who have been accepted at Bio Nebraska approved colleges and universities in the state, are planning to enroll in an undergraduate STEM-related course of study, and those planning to pursue a career with a STEM-related organization. To apply for this scholarship, or for more information on eligibility requirements, I encourage those interested to visit Bio Nebraska’s website at

I appreciate hearing from constituents on issues affecting District 23 and encourage you to contact my office on legislation at 402-471-2719 or

Sen. Bruce Bostelman

District 23
Room 1210
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2719
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