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Tom Brandt

Sen. Tom Brandt

District 32

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State Senator Tom Brandt has been re-elected by the voters of Legislative District 32 to serve a second four-year term in the Nebraska Legislature.  “I want to thank the 11,150 people of District 32 who voted for me in the general election, and all of my supporters. I look forward to continuing to represent you in the Legislature,” Brandt said. “We have accomplished a lot in four years, including historic tax cuts, the elimination of taxes on social security, allocating hundreds of millions of dollars for rural broadband, creating a statewide farm to school system and providing grants for small meat processors, but there is still a lot of work to do. Over the next legislative session and four years, I look forward to working with Governor-elect Jim Pillen to further lower property taxes and to address the school funding crisis that leaves too many of our rural school districts without state aid.”

To further his focus on rural broadband and improving the infrastructure of the district and state, Senator Brandt has announced that he is running for Chair of the Transportation and Telecommunications Committee. “With term-limits, Chair Curt Friesen will not be in the Legislature next year and he will be missed. I am stepping up my service to run for a committee that is a natural fit to my areas of expertise and interest, particularly rural broadband and fixing our roads,” Senator Brandt remarked. The vote for committee chairmanships is the first day of the new session, Wednesday January 4th.

First elected to the Legislature in 2018, Brandt advanced from the 2022 primary unopposed. “I will continue working hard for the state of Nebraska,” Brandt stated. “Since being elected, I have met with and listened to the people of LD 32, passed legislation and provided constituent services, and I will continue to do that as your Senator for the next four years in your Nebraska Legislature.” 

Sen. Tom Brandt

District 32
Room 1528
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2711
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