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Dave Murman

Sen. Dave Murman

District 38

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Last Thursday, May 5th, was the National Day of Prayer in the United States. I had the privilege of being the sponsoring senator for the event held in the Capitol rotunda in Lincoln. The prayer gathering was sponsored by Nebraska Family Alliance. Governor Pete Ricketts gave remarks and several ministry, business and community leaders prayed over key prayer focus areas: government, military, media, business, educators and students, the family and the Church. I was asked to pray for government, and here is my prayer from that day:

“Dear Lord, we pray for rulers all over this earth, both righteous and wicked. We pray that wicked rulers may turn from war, aggression, and oppression and instead choose peace and freedom. We pray that these leaders may have a change of heart and follow you. We ask that you guide our own President Biden at the national level and Governor Ricketts at the state level in the way you would have them go. We pray that you would surround President Biden and Governor Ricketts with wise counsel – men and women of integrity who place your agenda and the good of this nation and state above their own.

We pray for the U.S. Congress and the Nebraska State Legislature, that by your power they make laws that are just. We pray that Congress and the Legislature may be motivated more by your hand than by partisan or personal concerns.

We pray for our Supreme Court. We pray that its decrees would be your decrees. We pray that they would make rulings in line with your will. We pray that they would set a standard of justice and balance not only on a national level but for every legal decision in our nation. We know that all judges in the U.S. are appointed by humans. We pray that each new selection will judge rightly according to the Constitution, which is based on biblical values.

Finally, we pray for everyone that serves in local government. From county officials to city officials to school boards and others. Please grant all of them wisdom to act with integrity. Please help them to seek your face and to pursue wise council as they make their decisions.

We pray Father especially for members of the Law Enforcement community in our country. For FBI agents and other federal law enforcement agencies. For sheriff’s departments and police departments across the country. Please protect them, especially during these unsettled times. Please help us to remember that You are the original law giver, and that we should strive to always be respectful of those who enforce our laws.

Finally, we pray that Christians will exercise their privilege to vote. May there arise such a force of righteousness in our electoral system that it would affect every level of government in our nation. May those in government have a profound respect not only for the political strength of the Christian community but for our spiritual influence in our nation as well.

We pray all of this in Jesus’ name and to Him be the Glory! Amen.”

I welcome any comments, questions, or ideas you may have on this or any other issue.  Please feel free to email me at or call my office at 402-471-2732.

Sen. Dave Murman

District 38
Room 1107
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2732
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