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Dave Murman

Sen. Dave Murman

District 38

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LINCOLN—Nebraska Senator Dave Murman and his colleagues on the Education Committee celebrated the advancement of LB 705 and the encompassed bills (see below) to the Governor’s desk.


Senator Murman and his colleagues released the following statements:


Said Senator Murman: “This package is the culmination of hours of hard work by all committee members to benefit students and advance education in Nebraska. From pre-kindergarten to college, or whether you attend public, private or homeschool, this bill makes significant, broad-sweeping improvements. My goal was to pass legislation that keeps our schools safe, to provide funding for necessary school functions, to recruit teachers to the classroom, and to provide for more parental involvement in schools. LB705 meets the moment for our students, our educators, and our schools, and I was privileged to lead such an experienced and well-intentioned committee through this process.”


Said Senator Conrad: “This series of bills was carefully and conscientiously crafted together under the leadership of Senator Murman and others on the Education Committee. It is a demonstration of what good policy work this truly unique legislature can do when people set politics and differences aside, and do what’s best for the children of this State.”


Said Senator Linehan: “The Education Package is designed to help all students in Nebraska. Through this package, we will be helping all schools with at least 80% of their special education funding, recruiting and retaining teachers, and opening new pathways for people to enter the teaching profession. Thanks to the leadership of Chairman Murman and Governor Pillen, the Education Committee has put together a comprehensive package that will positively impact the lives of our students. I also thank my fellow committee members for putting the education of Nebraska students first– and for recognizing that good education is key to the future of our great state.”


Said Senator Walz: “”LB705 is an important piece of legislation that continues the committee’s hard work to support our education community for school for students, staff and parents. I was proud to contribute pieces to this legislation like teacher recruitment and providing important school safety measures.”


Said Senator Briese: “I am excited about the reforms and policy improvements contained in LB 705, and grateful for the hard work of my fellow senators and our staff, as well as input from stakeholders and the general public which have come together to make this important legislation a success.”






Education Omnibus Bill

Vehicle—LB 705

  1. LB 705 (Murman)*: Change provisions for the distribution of lottery funds used for education, transfer powers and duties, create new acts and funds, and change education provisions.
  2. LB 153 (DeBoer): Adopt the Extraordinary Increase in Special Education Expenditures Act
  3. LB 201 (Vargas): Provide a high school graduation requirement relating to federal student aid.
  4. LB 222 (Fredrickson): Prescribe requirements for the student application and admission process of public colleges and universities regarding criminal history and juvenile court record information.
  5. LB 356 (Walz): Redefine terms under the Nebraska Opportunity Grant Act
  6. LB 372 (Murman): Change provisions relating to part-time enrollment in public schools and extracurricular activities.
  7. LB 385 (Linehan)*: Adopt the Nebraska Teacher Recruitment and Retention Act
  8. LB 414 (Conrad): Change provisions related to the enrollment option program
  9. LB 516 (Walz)**: Provide and change powers and duties for the State Department of Education, Commissioner of Education, State Board of Education, and the state school security director, provide grants to school districts for security-related infrastructure projects, and provide grants to educational service units and local public health departments to hire school psychologists and licensed mental health practitioners as prescribed.
  10. LB 520 (Walz): Change provisions relating to high school graduation requirements and academic content standards and the Computer Science and Technology Education Act
  11. LB 585 (Hughes)***: Change a duty of the state security director and require behavioral and mental health training for certain school personnel
  12. LB 603 (Linehan): Change provisions relating to the Alternative Certification for Quality Teachers Act and authorize the Commissioner of Education to issue alternative certificates to teach as prescribed
  13. LB 632 (McKinney): Prohibit the suspension of students in prekindergarten through second grade in a school.
  14. LB 647 (McDonnell)***: Change provisions relating to the purchase and loan of textbooks for children enrolled in kindergarten to grade twelve of a private schools.
  15. LB 648 (McDonnell): Provide powers and duties to the State Department of Education relating to the development of a workforce diploma program
  16. LB 698 (Murman): Change provisions relating to residency for enrollment in a public college or university.
  17. LB 703 (Murman): Change provisions relating to the University of Nebraska
  18. LB 708 (Arch): Require the Office of Probation Administration, the State Court Administrator, the State Department of Education, and the Department of Health and Human Services to enter into a memorandum of understanding for the sharing of data regarding data relevant to students who are under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court
  19. LB 724 (Vargas): Eliminate certain basic skill and content test requirements for eligibility for teaching certificates
    1. Will be amended to require the content-specific praxis
  20. LB 762 (DeBoer): Provide powers and duties to the State Department of Education relating to a teacher apprenticeship program.
  21. LB 774 (Vargas): Change provisions relating to the Student Discipline Act
  22. LB 787 (Wayne): Adopt the STEEM Development Act
  23. LB 805 (Von Gillern)**: Require schools to allow certain youth organizations to provide information, services, and activities





* = Committee priority

** = Senator priority

*** = Speaker priority



Sen. Dave Murman

District 38
Room 1107
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2732
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