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Dave Murman

Sen. Dave Murman

District 38

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Lincoln, NE—In preparation for the Nebraska Education Committee’s Hearing on Social Emotional Learning (LR 149), the Nebraska Department of Education’s Launch NE website and use of ESSER funding (LR 148), and Interim Study on LB 374 (LR 147), Chairman Murman released the following statement:

“In District 38 and across Nebraska, parents have long been concerned about content in schools and the tools they have to achieve transparency in the classroom. I look forward to asking questions of all the invited testifiers, evaluating existing transparency mechanisms, and continuing towards our goal of finding consensus to improving Nebraska schools with parents, teachers, and administrators alike.”


July 31st, 2023

Education Committee Hearing

Invited Testifiers

  1. Commissioner Brian Maher, Commissioner of Nebraska Department of Education
  2. Mike Pate, current Millard Public Schools board member
  3. Lisa Wagner, President of Central City Public School Board
  4. Jackie Egan, NAACP Lincoln, Nebraskans for Peace, Let’s Talk Alliance, Lincoln Education Collaboration
  5. Kirk Penner, (Testifying in personal capacity), State Board of Education District 5, former Aurora Public Schools board member
  6. Lisa Schonhoff, English Language Learning Educator, Bennington Public Schools
  7. Sue Greenwald, Protect Nebraska Children Coalition
  8. Lori Samuelson, School Psychologist, Hastings Public Schools


Sen. Dave Murman

District 38
Room 1107
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2732
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