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Mike Jacobson

Sen. Mike Jacobson

District 42

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From my desk…
March 8th, 2022

As many of you may now know, I am the newly appointed Nebraska State Senator for District 42.  I am grateful to Governor Pete Ricketts for encouraging me to sit for an interview for the position and his appointment of me on Wednesday, February 23.  I have been focused on delivering results for our district ever since.  My life has changed significantly over the last two weeks and I thank my wife of 46 years, Julie, for her support during this busy time.

For those who know me well, I have been a banker for 42 years and have had a life-long passion for farming and production agriculture.  Since moving to North Platte in 1994, my focus has been about building great business teams and strengthening the community through public service.  Through service on the North Platte Development Corporation, we were able to attract quality jobs to North Platte through the Wal-Mart Food Distribution Center. As chairman of the North Platte Regional Airport Authority, I worked with other community members to secure non-stop jet air service to Denver.  As your State Senator, I will be laser focused on moving legislation that will improve the lives of all residents in District 42.  I have outlined some of the bills that I have co-sponsored and hope to get to the finish line in this short session.

LB 783 was picked up by Senator Mike McDonnell.  This bill would allocate American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for the proposed Sustainable Beef processing plant in North Platte.  The Governor’s Budget plan asked for $15 million to be allocated to this particular project.  I am pushing to get another $5 million dollars allocated from dollars generated from sources that will be targeted for “one time” uses.  This bill will likely be amended in to a larger bill that appropriates the entire $1.04 billion in ARPA funds allocated to the state of Nebraska.

LB 788 was picked up by Senator Tom Brewer.  This bill would make changes to the Nebraska Rural Projects Act to help provide matching funds to the propose North Platte rail park project.  A special thank you to Gary Person, North Platte Chamber President, for all his hard work in helping to craft this legislation and getting North Platte in a position to receive this funding.

LB 825 was introduced by Senator Lindstrom.  The bill builds on the progress made with Senator Kolterman’s 2021 priority bill (LB 64) to increase exemptions on Social Security income tax in phases to reach total tax exemption by 2025.  LB 825 provides much needed tax relief for seniors on fixed income derived from Social Security and has passed the first of three rounds of debate.

LB 914 was introduced by Senator Bostelman.  The bill requires the Public Service Commission to create and maintain a map of broadband availability in Nebraska.  The map would identify types of internet services available, advertised and reported speeds, number of entities providing service, planned broadband infrastructure projects, and any other information the Commission finds relevant.  This bill will be a resource in closing the broadband gaps in rural Nebraska in the less populated counties.

LB 773 was introduced by Senator Brewer.  This bill would authorize concealed carry without a permit in Nebraska.  Restrictions currently codified within the Concealed Handgun Permit Act relating to the place and manner of concealed carry would be made to apply generally to any person carrying concealed and not only to permit holders.  Penalties remain in place for persons who are prohibited from possessing dangerous weapons.

LB 1065 was picked up by Senator Wayne.  The bill primarily makes improvements to “Micro-TIF” by extending the time for division of taxes, setting standards for expedited review, and allowing for redevelopment of certain vacant lots. It also allows a municipality to declare a portion of an area as substandard and blighted following a study or analysis.  LB 1065 is a good start to make Micro-TIF more workable and I’m ready to continue making improvements to the Micro-TIF laws next year.  LB 1065 has passed the first of three rounds of debate.

Although the information is coming at me a very fast pace, I am ready to learn from my colleagues and constituents so I can play a role in making life better in the 42nd District.  I look forward to your input and encourage you to reach out at any time at or 402-471-2729. It is an honor to represent District 42 at the Nebraska Legislature.

State Senator Mike Jacobson


Sen. Mike Jacobson

District 42
Room 1523
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2729
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