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Mike Jacobson

Sen. Mike Jacobson

District 42

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This past week, the long-awaited Sustainable Beef project was officially announced and dirt work is underway. Sustainable Beef is a huge project and will take nearly two years to construct. The economic impact will go well beyond the approximate $400 million in construction costs directly attributed to the physical facility. I look forward to seeing the impact this facility will have on the entire region stretching throughout District 42.

Regional cattlemen will be the most direct benefactors of the Sustainable Beef project. By reducing the distance from the feed yard to the plant, the cost of transportation will be reduced, and the cattle “shrink” (i.e., weight loss) associated with transportation will be minimized. The abundant supply of quality cattle in the region will also allow for this new plant to have an ample supply of quality cattle that are located a short distance from the plant.

There will also be many supporting industries that will locate here to meet the ongoing support needs and we are already seeing synergies emerge. For example, the presence of the Wal-Mart Food Distribution Center in North Platte likely played a major role in attracting Wal-Mart’s equity investment in the plant. Conversely, Wal-Mart will be a reliable buyer of the meat product which will reduce Sustainable Beef’s operation risk going forward.

District 42 should take advantage of Sustainable Beef’s two-year construction timeline to ramp up necessary resources and amenities to accommodate the opening of a large business in the region. For instance, Sustainable Beef is expected to employ approximately 800 workers. Future employees will be looking for affordable housing in North Platte and the surrounding communities. Many employees will also be bringing families who must be supported by our school systems. We should use the coming growth to attract developers and educators to the region.

An influx in new residents should also help the area recruit more retailers. For far too long we have heard the concerns that the region has not been growing and that we lack the retail shopping opportunities enjoyed by larger communities. As the owners of the District 177 Mall work to bring more retailers to support their investment, they need to demonstrate that the market will grow shoppers if they want to attract other grocery and big-box stores. Attracting new employers is an important step in proving growth potential.

Finally, we should all anticipate healthier budgets for our local political subdivisions. If we can bring more investments and increase the population in the region, we will bring more taxpayers whose dollars can be reinvested here. By increasing the amount and values of property being taxed, we can reduce the amount of taxes collected from each taxpayer without sacrificing services.

At the state level, I remain highly focused on finding ways to get more dollars invested in District 42. This past legislative session, I was successful in securing $20 million of federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) dollars for the Sustainable Beef project and $30 million of state dollars for the industrial rail park. This is just the beginning. I intend to continue directing funds to business investments in rural Nebraska so we can reverse the out migration of population. As the saying goes, “A rising tide lifts all ships.” Investments lead to a strong economy, and strong economies attract more investment opportunities.

District 42 is primed to grow before the next ten-year census and I am honored to do my part in shifting the region’s economic outlook. Sustainable Beef will be a total game changer for the region and have huge economic impact that will be felt for many years to come.

If you see other opportunities for economic investment in District 42, please feel free to reach out to me at or 402-471-2729. My door is always open!

Sen. Mike Jacobson

District 42
Room 1523
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2729
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