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Mike Jacobson

Sen. Mike Jacobson

District 42

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This past Friday, I joined Governor Ricketts for the ribbon cutting for the newly constructed Army National Guard Vehicle Maintenance shop on east Highway 30 along the western boundary of the North Platte Airport. Not only does the National Guard support our active military, but it also plays a significant role in helping to deal with disasters, such as the 2019 floods and the COVID-19 pandemic. We are fortunate to have a strong National Guard that is well-trained and ready at a moment’s notice.

The new facility at Lee Bird Field replaces the Field Maintenance Shop built in 1955 on North Highway 83. The original facility was designed to support jeeps and 5-ton trucks. The new facility is a result of a $9.6 million investment by the federal government and will support 60 over-the-road 18-wheel trucks and Humvees, as well as serve as a regional hub. It is truly a state-of-the-art building comprised of 24,800 square feet, four times larger than the original facility. It will serve the Nebraska Army National Guard well into the future. I am also excited that the 41-acre site is well-positioned for future expansion. A facility like this is an asset to the entire legislative district.

As the former chairman of the North Platte Airport Authority, my colleagues and I began negotiating to lease this land to the Guard nearly five years ago. Like many large projects, planning starts well in advance of completion. This project could well be the beginning of other significant growth now that the airport has been annexed into the City of North Platte and construction of Sustainable Beef has begun. The combined impact of Sustainable Beef and the Hershey Rail Park will create many job opportunities and will result in significant secondary development as the support businesses begin to locate in the area as well. Having a nearly 9,000-foot runway will also make development at Lee Bird Field likely.

Airport expansion will also be more likely if the voters approve Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 1 in the November 8 election. This amendment would allow political subdivisions that own or operate an airport to use its revenue to recruit new or expanded regularly scheduled commercial passenger air service. Reliable passenger air service is an important tool for attracting businesses and residents to our region. I support the passage of this amendment, and I encourage you to do the same.

I continue to pursue solutions like Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 1 to benefit District 42. This week, I worked with the Governor’s office to increase access to hay from South Dakota for ranchers whose access has been complicated by the fire damage in Thomas County. Please reach out if you would like more information.

Thank you again to all of our rural volunteer firefighters and first responders. This past year has been one for the record books, and it is still not over. I was very pleased to vote for LB717 to increase State compensation to fallen firefighters, first responders, and law enforcement officers who lose their lives in the line of duty from $50,000 to $250,000 (and indexed for inflation). Although no amount of money can replace a life, helping to ease the financial burden is an investment that Nebraska needs to make.

If you would like to discuss hay access, first responders, or any other issues impacting you, please feel free to reach out to me at or 402-471-2729. My door is always open!

Sen. Mike Jacobson

District 42
Room 1523
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2729
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