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Mike Jacobson

Sen. Mike Jacobson

District 42

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This week begins with Day 78, which means there are only 12 working days to complete this session’s business. The week will begin with consideration of the Revenue Committee’s sales and use tax exemption package, followed by the amendment to LB574 which relates to restrictions on both “gender affirming care” for minors and abortions. We’ll then turn to getting the budget bills passed on Final Reading, just in time to meet our statutory requirement of completing the budget by Day 80.

As of the end of last week, there were 23 bills on Final Reading, 31 bills on Select File, and 248 bills on General File. Assuming all of these bills are filibustered, it is very unlikely that many of the bills still on General File will be passed this year, given the time remaining. It will be a race to the finish line as we close out the remaining days of the session. Stay tuned!

Despite being short on time, I am happy to report that many of my bills should get across the finish line. Not only did the content of LB281 (funding rebuilding the State 4-H Camp) get included in LB813 (a budget bill), but I was also able to get a slightly revised version of LB433 (behavioral health services) included in the budget with “intent” language. The amendment directs the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to allow the six behavioral health districts to have more control over their individual budgets to better address specific conditions in their local districts. Region II is headquartered in North Platte but includes a 17-county area. During their last budget cycle, Region II lost $1.2 million that was included in their budget because DHHS refused to allow the district to redirect these funds. It is important to note that the local board consists of County Commissioners who represent each of the counties within the region. They clearly have a better understanding of how these funds should be spent. Thank you to Cathy Seacrest for bringing this issue to my attention and for her help in finding a solution. She has been an incredible public servant who has led this organization for several decades!

LB531 is the Urban Affairs Committee’s priority bill, and will hopefully be the vehicle for LB98 (Micro-TIF) and LB33 (Mayoral Voting). I believe that the changes included in LB98 will provide significant assistance to homeowners and developers willing to rehabilitate older homes in major disrepair, in areas where public infrastructure is already in place. If we want to make affordable housing available to accommodate the impending economic growth in the region, we will need to find creative, cost-effective ways to accomplish this. Micro-TIF can help make this possible. The mayoral voting bill simply makes the statutes clear as to when the mayor is able to break a tie vote. This is truly a clean-up bill.

LB674 (Digital Asset Depositories) is a bill that I brought on behalf of the Department of Banking. The bill doesn’t expand in any way digital assets. Instead, it gives the Department all the tools they need to regulate existing digital asset depositories better. While I have not supported digital assets depositories, this bill is necessary for better enforcement. The bill has been included in the Banking Committee priority bill that is currently on Final Reading.

Although several of my bills are moving this year, some will carry over to next session. I have had some questions regarding LB628, a clean-up bill that I brought on behalf of the Secretary of State. This bill modernizes the statutes relating to Professional Limited Liability Companies and Professional Corporations. These entities differ from regular Limited Liability Companies because they are designed to provide liability protection to individuals who perform certain professional services, such as doctors, lawyers, dentists, etc. This bill simply brings the Professional Limited Liability Company statutes in conformity with existing Professional Corporation statutes. We will likely run out of time this year to get the bill passed, but it will be back on Select File once we return next year.

Finally, LB149 deals with “rebasing” of reimbursement rates from Medicaid to long-term care hospital providers. Rebasing brings the rates in line with current inflation and brings the reimbursements more in line with actual provider costs. It has been 30 years since the rates were last “rebased.” Although the bill will not move this year, I have signed on to an interim study to keep the issue moving forward.

As we get closer to the interim, I look forward to hearing from constituents about issues impacting you. Please feel free to reach out to me at or 402-471-2729. My door is always open!

Sen. Mike Jacobson

District 42
Room 1523
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2729
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