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Mike Jacobson

Sen. Mike Jacobson

District 42

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20 Days to Go
March 14th, 2022

I am writing at the end of my second full week in the Legislature and with 20 session days remaining in the Unicameral’s short session. Although it has been fast paced, I am excited to have been able to help get several bills that are important to the 42nd District closer to the finish line.

I am proud to say I cast my “YES” vote to advance LB773 (constitutional carry of firearms) to Select File. The bill was sponsored by Senator Tom Brewer and co-sponsored by 22 Senators, including myself. This commonsense bill will allow citizens to carry “concealed” without a permit, just as citizens are now allowed to carry “open” without a permit. Permits would still be required for concealed carry across state lines and the bill makes no changes to “gun-free zones” in statute today.

The next two weeks will largely focus on the proposed budget, Appropriations Committee recommendations on allocation of the $1.04 billion from the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), and other taxing and spending bills. I anticipate that LB825 (phasing out taxation of Social Security benefits) and LB939 (changing individual and corporate income tax rates) could be considered during this time. Both bills have advanced past the first round of debate.

I was pleased to see the Appropriations Committee include LB788 funding for the Rail Park, plus an additional $50 million to prefund amounts due in future years. This funding would put the North Platte/Hershey Rail Park project in a strong position. Fighting to keep these funds in the budget will be one of my top priorities.

I am also optimistic that $15 million in ARPA funds will be recommended for the Sustainable Beef project, and I will push for an additional $5 million in general funds be appropriated for the project. Sustainable Beef will be a gamechanger for District 42 and the larger region. They will need every penny to complete the project if construction costs continue to rise.

Input from constituents continues to be a vital part of my decision-making at the Legislature, particularly as our pace picks up in the final third of the session. Beginning Monday, March 14, I will be holding a weekly call with the North Platte Area Chamber and Development Corporation to seek input from area businesses and area residents. If you want to join, please contact the Chamber for times and call-in information. You can also reach out to me at any time at or 402-471-2729.

To date, only 50 of the 107 bills prioritized by Senators, Committees, and the Speaker have advanced beyond the first round of debate. We have many important decisions ahead and I continue to strive to represent the interests of you, the people of District 42.

Senator Mike Jacobson


Sen. Mike Jacobson

District 42
Room 1523
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2729
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