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Mike Jacobson

Sen. Mike Jacobson

District 42

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15 Days to Go
March 21st, 2022

Last week, the Legislature advanced two of the three budget bills, with the third expected to advance on Tuesday. Tuesday’s bill, LB1013, includes appropriations for $53.5 million for the Perkins County Canal Project Fund and $50 million to the North Platte/Hershey Rail Park via the Nebraska Rail Projects Funds. Keeping this funding in place will be a high priority.

So far, each of the budget bills has been filibustered, with debate focused primarily on the overcrowded state prison system and whether to appropriate $175 million to build a new prison without taking steps to ease prison overcrowding. Proposed reforms include reduced sentences for some offenses, limiting the ability to increase sentences, and assisting more inmates with qualifying for parole. In the end, it seems clear that a new and larger prison is needed, and I remain a strong “law and order” legislator. I invite your input on this issue.

We expect to begin the initial round of debate on LB1014, which contains the Appropriations Committee priorities for $1.04 billion in federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. I am happy to report that the committee amendment to LB1014 will include $20 million for the Sustainable Beef project. Proponents have worked hard to get this funding included and now need to ensure that the bill gets to the finish line in its current form.

Other taxing and spending bills are also likely to appear on next week’s agendas. LB825 is Senator Lindstrom’s priority bill and a bill I have co-sponsored. LB825 would eliminate the taxation of Social Security income over the next five years. I have also co-sponsored Senator Linehan’s priority bill (LB939) to reduce the maximum individual income tax rate on income over $66,360 for joint filers from 6.84% to 5.84% by 2025.

The filibuster delays are eating up valuable time as only 15 working days remain in this 60-day session, and we must pass the budget by Day 50 (March 29). We may be meeting as late as midnight on Thursday night to accommodate this goal.

I truly appreciate the support coming from so many in the District as I focus on getting bills that are important to you to the finish line. Please feel free to reach out to me in the remaining few weeks if you have questions or input at or 402-471-2729. I am your State Senator, and your opinion matters!

Sen. Mike Jacobson

District 42
Room 1523
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2729
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