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Mike Jacobson

Sen. Mike Jacobson

District 42

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Last week, we were all saddened by the news of the Bovee Fire near Halsey, NE. The fire destroyed about 19,000 acres of forest and grassland in and around the Nebraska National Forest. In addition to the damage of the forest and grassland, the Bovee Fire also devastated the nearly 60-year-old Nebraska State 4-H Campground. Sixteen of the seventeen buildings were destroyed, with only the staff house remaining intact. Thousands of Nebraskans, including my wife and children, have fond memories of this amazing facility having either stayed there as a 4-H camper, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards camper, or someone who attended a wedding reception or conference held in that facility.

Last Wednesday, I was able to see the damage first-hand and receiving a briefing with other local officials. It was an emotional event for all those present to see the damage. I have also been in touch with the leaders of the Nebraska 4-H Foundation to determine the amount of the loss and their next steps. Although the Nebraska State 4-H Campground buildings were insured, it’s unlikely insurance payments will cover total replacement of the facility given the age of the buildings. As your District 42 State Senator, I will work with the Foundation and other volunteers to help find the additional funding to replace this State treasure.

Julie and I also made the drive to Dunning, NE on Friday to attend the funeral of Mike Moody. A long-time assistant fire chief and businessman, Mike lost his life while working to contain the Bovee Fire. I had the opportunity to meet Mike several years ago when he was working as a loan officer at the Purdum State Bank. He was a truly giving individual who enjoyed living life and serving others. He was a great role model for all of us to follow.

Mike’s funeral was held in the Sandhills High gymnasium and still required many to stand. Firefighters, first responders, paramedics, and law enforcement officials were there from the entire region. It was an amazing tribute to the heroism of Mike and every other firefighter. I want to express my condolences to his wife Cheryl, daughter Hollie, son Jack, and stepsons Jeff Pflaster and Jared Pflaster and their families. Mike was a person who made a difference and will be truly missed.

With the dry conditions throughout the region this year, rural volunteer fire departments have been going virtually non-stop to protect the lives and property of our residents. It often goes unnoticed that these courageous people volunteer their time to get training, are on call at a moment’s notice, often drive personal vehicles to the station or fire, all to put their lives on the line to protect us. Mike’s family has requested that memorials be directed to the Purdum Rural Fire or Thedford Volunteer Rescue Squad. I encourage everyone to make a contribution, if you are able.

I look forward to hearing from constituents about issues impacting you. Please feel free to reach out to me at or 402-471-2729.

Sen. Mike Jacobson

District 42
Room 1523
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2729
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