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Mike Jacobson

Sen. Mike Jacobson

District 42

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Tuesday, January 30, marks the Day 18 of the 2024 legislative session. After devoting the first three weeks to bill introduction and rules debate, the legislature got down to business with morning floor debate and afternoon committee hearings. So far, the floor debate has been very productive, and bills are moving along at a good pace. It has also been noteworthy that several bills have advanced with strong bi-partisan support in the officially non-partisan body. It is clear that the collective body wants to keep the session on track, and many in the term-limited senior class want to use this year to pass any bills they have been championing in recent years. I am not so naïve to believe that the session will not have its moments as some of the more controversial bills reach the floor, but I do believe that the progress thus far is a great sign.

In addition to getting LB628 (a technical bill dealing with professional limited liability companies and professional corporations I introduced last year) advanced to final reading last week, the Transportation and Telecommunications Committee held an executive session and advanced LB31 (Two-Person Crew Bill) out of committee on a vote of six in favor, one against, and one not voting. In all of the attempts in the past to pass a bill like this one, it has never been advanced out of committee. Since it is my priority bill, I have spoken to the Speaker and encouraged him to get it scheduled for the first round of floor debate as early as possible. If we can keep the session moving, this bill has time to reach the finish line. I continue to work my colleagues to support this bill once it reaches the floor. Many are beginning to understand that this is a genuine public safety issue and recognize that I would not have prioritized it if I did not plan to keep it moving.

I was notified last week that LB1087 (Hospital Quality Assurance and Access Assessment Act) will get a hearing on Friday, February 2, before the Health and Human Services Committee. I introduced LB1087 this session at the request of the Nebraska Hospital Association. I am very grateful to Senator Armendariz, who has agreed to designate this bill as her personal priority bill, and to all of the 30 other state senators who signed on to the bill as co-sponsors.

LB1087 is one of those rare opportunities to allow hospitals to access nearly $1 billion in federal Medicaid dollars in exchange for collectively achieving higher quality scores in areas of need in the state. I have referred to this as a great win-win for the state. Not only do hospitals see their Medicaid reimbursement rates rise to levels closer to their actual costs, but it happens without the need for the State to increase its current provider rates. These improved provider reimbursements will help encourage providers to see more Medicaid patients. It will also help take the pressure off of health insurance costs as hospitals will have less pressure to increase charges to insured patients to make up the operating losses created from Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement rates.

I also want everyone to know that the Banking, Commerce, and Insurance Committee will likely hold an executive session this week to move LB32 (Medigap) out of committee. It is possible that this bill will be combined with LB852 (Durable Medical Equipment Bill). The Durable Medical Equipment bill closes the loophole that would prohibit non-participating providers of durable medical equipment from charging a Medicare beneficiary or Medicare Supplement provider more than 115% of the Medicare allowed amount. This limitation is already in place for Medicaid patients and for physicians and other providers who accept Medicare. Today, only a few providers are using this loophole, but the amount of overcharging is unbelievable in many cases. These abuses cost all of us through higher health insurance premiums.

I look forward to continuing to hear from you regarding issues that are important to you. It is a privilege to serve as your State Senator, and I will continue to give my full effort to make a positive difference for the District and the State. You can reach me at or 402-471-2729.

Sen. Mike Jacobson

District 42
Room 1523
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2729
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