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On Wednesday, January 5th the 107th Legislature 2nd Session began. Committee hearings are in now in full swing and we are working away on the 17 bills I introduced this session. Those bill numbers and a short summary of what they will do if passed is included below.
This session is what we call a “short session” which means that it lasts 60 legislative days instead of 90 days. Even-numbered years are always short sessions and odd-numbered years are long sessions. There is a great deal of work to be done over the next few months before we are projected to finish up in late April.
Just like last year, I sit on the Education Committee and Health and Human Services Committee. My focus in the Education Committee is on mental/behavioral health of students and pandemic support for educators. In the Health and Human Services Committee, I hope to see legislation advanced on the topics of disability rights, mental health and health care expansion and accessibility.
I am proud of the work that we did as an office over the interim, communicating with constituents about concerns and brainstorming bill ideas and language. One bill that I’m particularly passionate about this year is LB 854 which requires the director of the Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health be notified of alleged out-of-home child abuse or neglect by a childcare provider or staff member. The idea for this bill arose last spring after conversations with a handful of parents whose children attended Rosewood Academy. Our LB854 Fact Sheet that my legislative aide put together can be found here and even more info is linked here.
Below are the rest of the bills I introduced this session. As my office creates fact sheets and the bills progress I will update this page. More frequent updates can be found on my Twitter and Facebook.
LB 770 (LB770 Fact Sheet) changes membership on the Board of Dentistry to include one licensed dental assistant and one public member.
LB 771 (LB771 Fact Sheet) provides for the regulation of electric bicycles, something that has been done in surrounding states but not yet in Nebraska.
LB 772 (LB 772 Fact Sheet) prohibits healthcare providers from referring bills for injuries arising from sexual assault, domestic assault or child abuse to a collection agency.
LB 852 (LB852 Fact Sheet) requires behavioral health points of contact for school districts.
LB 853 (LB853 Fact Sheet) provides a homestead exemption for certain disabled veterans, with percentage of benefit equivalent to percentage or disability.
LB 855 (LB855 Fact Sheet) amends statute to include rural health clinic services and federally qualified health center services (FQHCs).
LB 856 (LB855 Fact Sheet) provides for partnering organizations under the Aging and Disability Resource Center Act. A partnering organization can contract with an area agency on aging or with DHHS.
LB 857 (LB857 Fact Sheet) ensures that children receiving SNAP benefits do not need to submit separate applications for Medicaid or CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program).
LB 888 (LB888 Fact Sheet) redefines multicultural education for school districts to include the Holocaust and other acts of genocide. Former Senator Sara Howard brought this bill in 2019 but it did not make it out of the Education Committee despite bipartisan support.
LB 997 (LB997 Fact Sheet) creates a standardized screening for autism prior to starting school.
LB 1104 (LB1104 Fact Sheet) expands access to emergency services by ensuring that those services are accessible by those with disabilities.
LB 1105 (LB1105 Fact Sheet) creates license plates for autism inclusion and raises funds for nonprofit organizations.
LB 1106 (LB1106 Fact Sheet) designates school psychologists as Medicaid-approved providers in order to expand access to mental/behavioral health care for students.
LB 1107 (LB1107 Fact Sheet) allows a child care provider to bill the full authorized amount for times that a child is absent under the Federal Child Care Subsidy program.
LB 1108 extends authority to Sanitary and Improvement Districts (SIDs) to enact ordinances that could regulate fireworks.
LB 1202 (LB1202 Fact Sheet) provides for the utilization of $5M of Nebraska’s $1B ARPA allocation to assist the Omaha Storm Chasers and Union Omaha.
Have an idea for a bill, a concern or a question about legislation? I’d love to hear from you! You can give us a call at 402-471-2725 or reach out by email at
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