The official site of the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature

Megan Hunt

Sen. Megan Hunt

District 8

The content of these pages is developed and maintained by, and is the sole responsibility of, the individual senator's office and may not reflect the views of the Nebraska Legislature. Questions and comments about the content should be directed to the senator's office at

Dear friends and neighbors,

My staff has helped put together this list of resources for people impacted by closures, illness, and disruption due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It goes without saying that this is not exhaustive. These are just some resources we could find today that can be of some help. We are sure there are more to come as funds and resources continue to develop.

You can always contact us at if you have any questions or concerns. E-mail is the best way to get in touch.

Many thanks,


Douglas County Health Department

Together Omaha

  • Pantry hours effective immediately and until further notice:
    • Monday-Thursday 12pm-3pm
    • Friday 12pm-2pm
  • Pantry boxes will be distributed from the dock located at the backside of the parking lot. Staff will fill out the USDA waiver form to eliminate personal contact.

Project Hope Food Pantry

  • 6201 North 60th Street, 68104
  • Call for hours: (402) 452-7649

St. Vincent De Paul Food Pantry

  • 2101 Leavenworth Street, 68102
  • Call for hours: (402) 341-1689

Omaha Public Schools – Meals

  • OPS Teacher Administrative Center
  • 3215 Cuming Street, 68131
  • Call for hours/information: (531) 299-0220


  • In response to the coronavirus pandemic, MUD and OPPD announced Thursday they have put a hold on disconnections due to non-payment until further notice.

State Farm Offers Free Sack Lunches

  • 2504 S. 13th Street, Omaha, NE
  • Free sack lunches to children and families in need. An Uncrustable, bag of chips, and an orange will be provided according to the release
  • Tuesday, March 17th and Thursday, March 19th from 12 p.m. until 2 p.m.

Youth Emergency Services Outreach Center

  • 1-3pm Monday-Friday
  • Youth will be able to get boxed or sacked meals.
  • Outreach staff will assist youth not available at those times by appointment.
  • 2679 Farnam Street, Suite 205, Omaha, NE 68131
  • 402-345-5187


Grab-n-go Breakfast and Lunch (through Lincoln Public Schools)

  • Lincoln Public School students can go to any of these sites for a meal. Student must be present. One meal per student.
  • Monday-Friday from 11am-12:30pm (or while supplies last
  • SCHOOLS: Belmont, Arnold, and Hartley elementary schools, Park middle school, and Northeast high school.

Food Bank of Lincoln (Food BackPacks and Food Pantries)

  • Schools with LPS BackPack Program:
    • For those families currently receiving BackPacks from the Food Bank of Lincoln, they intend to continue distribution of BackPacks on the regularly scheduled Friday afternoons. They will begin BackPack distributions according to each school’s regularly scheduled dismissal time and continue for 30 minutes.
  • School Food Markets:
    • At this time, Food Markets will temporarily take place outside the school building during the school’s regularly scheduled day and time. To simplify the distribution and increase health and safety, most of the food will come pre-bagged, except produce, bread and meat, which will be bagged onsite. Look for us to be set up in areas close to the front door of your school.
  • LPS Emergency Pantry:

Granite City Food and Brewery 

  • Every child will get a free lunch of a turkey sandwich, chips, and fresh fruit. No purchase is necessary
  • If you are unable to come to the store to pick up lunch, please give us a call at (402) 466-1900 and we can arrange delivery.

Bethany Coffee Shop

  • Any child in need of a meal will be given something to eat during the LPS school closings. Sack lunches are available to any child who asks without question.

Food Bank of Lincoln

AA Meetings via Conference Call

  • Pause a While will host free conference calls for AA meetings
  • 2pm everyday
  • Call (425) 436-6360; Access Code: 422932#

Bryan Health

  • COVID-19 Hotline – (402) 481-0500
  • A nurse will answer medical questions about the COVID-19 coronavirus 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • ezVisit COVID-19 Online Screening Questionnaire
    • In addition, Bryan Health ezVisit is offering complimentary visits for individuals experiencing symptoms of an upper respiratory infection. Enter the promo code COVID19 at the payment screen and the visit will be free.
    • To access the COVID-19 screening tool, visit or download the Bryan Health ezVisit app. The screening is free. Patients are asked a series of questions.

Drive-Thru COVID-19 Testing

  • Bryan Health will offer a drive-thru testing location at our Bryan LifePointe Campus where individuals who have symptoms of COVID-19 – and have completed a screening – can be tested. The opening of the drive-by testing location will occur as soon as we receive confirmation of delivery of additional test kits. You can find more information at the Bryan Health website.

National Resources

Bartender Emergency Assistance Program

Online AA Meetings

Free/Discounted Educational Resources

Sen. Megan Hunt

District 8
Room 2107
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2722
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