The official site of the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature

Megan Hunt

Sen. Megan Hunt

District 8

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Dear friends and neighbors,

In the past weeks, I have received many emails, voicemails, and messages from public employees who have specific questions about their ability to take time off. I participated in a phone call with NAPE/ASCFME, the Nebraska Association of Public Employees, where Executive Director Jason Hubly explained the rights of state employees under the federal emergency paid sick leave and emergency family leave law that goes into effect April 2.

Click here to read the NAPE/AFSCME fact sheet about these leave benefits and how to access them.

You can also register for the next webinar on this topic which is April 1 by clicking the button below. I hope this is of some assistance to public employees in Nebraska, and if there are any other questions, please reach out to me. Thank you for what you do.

Many thanks,

Sen. Megan Hunt

District 8
Room 2107
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2722
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