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Megan Hunt

Sen. Megan Hunt

District 8

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Cassy Ross, Communications Director

Phone: (402) 471-2722



Senator Megan Hunt Introduces Legislative Resolution 269CA to Establish an Independent Redistricting Commission


Lincoln, NE— 1.6.22 State Senator Megan Hunt introduced LR 269CA today to amend the Nebraska Constitution to establish an independent redistricting commission, to be appointed by the Legislature. If passed, the proposal will be added to the November 2022 ballot for the voters of Nebraska to affirm. Recent redistricting efforts were overshadowed by partisan games and the process largely obscured from public view. Nebraskans deserve for this process to be placed in the hands of people who can take on this responsibility in a transparent and impartial manner.

This proposal would establish a politically balanced nine-member independent citizens commission to set district lines.  It would prohibit anyone who has been a lobbyist, elected official, party leader,  or candidate in the past five years and their family members from serving on the commission.  Members of the Legislature would screen Commission members.  The Commission would recommend a plan for district boundaries to the Legislature for approval.  This way, the Legislature still plays an oversight role in the process, but there is a citizen arm of checks and balances to make the process fairer.  The proposal is modeled after the 2020 Ballot Initiative Petition that was filed, but which did not obtain the necessary signatures to get on the ballot due to the COVID19 pandemic.  

“It’s time to infuse more democracy into Nebraska’s redistricting process – and we need to do it while those of us with recent knowledge of the process are still in the body,” Hunt said. “When Nebraskans cast their ballots, they need to know their vote counts and their voice matters. I am committed to ensuring voters can pick their leaders, not the other way around.”



Sen. Megan Hunt

District 8
Room 2107
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2722
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