The official site of the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature

Megan Hunt

Sen. Megan Hunt

District 8

The content of these pages is developed and maintained by, and is the sole responsibility of, the individual senator's office and may not reflect the views of the Nebraska Legislature. Questions and comments about the content should be directed to the senator's office at

Dear friends and neighbors,

Nebraska’s unique Unicameral Legislature relies heavily on the “second house” – the citizens of the State of Nebraska. Ensuring that members of the public have the opportunity to have their voices heard is vital to the legislative process.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created unique health and safety concerns. The Legislature has adopted expanded methods by which the public can provide input into the legislative process so that citizens who have safety concerns about in-person testifying have multiple opportunities to have their voice heard as part of the legislative and committee process.

The following options provide ways for citizens to share their views on a bill with the Legislature. Please read each option carefully, as each has a different outcome as to how your input is recorded. Guidance on hearings may continue to change depending on COVID-19, but I will make sure that you hear of any changes and are able to testify on the bills that matter to you.

All the best,

Option 1: In-Person Testimony

As always, persons attending a public hearing in person will have an opportunity to present verbal testimony to the committee and be subject to questioning by the committee members. In-person testimony is generally limited to 5 minutes, although the chair of each committee has the discretion to modify that time limit.

Persons verbally testifying will be listed as a testifier on the committee statement as has been the practice, and have their position included within the official committee hearing record.

Option 2: Written Testimony In Lieu of In-Person Testimony

The intent of this option is to create a substitute for those who are concerned about safety by testifying in person but wish to have their testimony submitted, their name recorded on the committee statement, and included in the formal committee hearing record as if they had testified in person. Please note that the committee statement will note that the testimony was provided in writing with no opportunity for the committee members to question the testifier.

In order to take advantage of this option, the following four requirements must be met:

  1. Submission of written testimony will only be accepted the day of the hearing between 8:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. in the committee room in which the hearing is scheduled.
  2. Individuals must present their written testimony in person during this time frame and sign the submitted written testimony record at the time of submission on the day of the hearing on the bill.
  3. The testifier must submit 12 copies. Failure to submit the required number of copies will result in the treatment of the submission as a position letter and not written testimony.
  4. The written testimony must be a written statement that is no longer than 2 single-spaced, typed pages or 4 double-spaced, typed pages in length.
  5. Only the written testimony from the person delivering the testimony will be accepted. No handouts, testimony, or letters from other individuals may be included outside of an individual’s written testimony.
  6. Written testimony will be handed out to each member of the committee during the hearing and made available as part of the hearing transcript when the transcript is made public.

Failure to meet all of these procedures for submitted written testimony will result in the person providing the testimony to not be listed on the committee statement as a written testifier, however, the testimony will be included in the official hearing record as an exhibit.

Option 3: Position Letter

If you are not testifying in person on a bill or resolution, or submitting written testimony in person on a bill (Option 2), but would like to submit a position letter to be included in the official hearing record as an exhibit, you must deliver your letter to the office of the committee chair or email it to the committee’s email account by 12:00 p.m. CST on the last workday prior to the public hearing.

Letters emailed (and not hand-delivered) will not be included as part of the public hearing record if sent to any email other than the committee’s email account. A list of these emails is included below.

Your letter must identify the bill or resolution, include your name and address, state a position of for, against, or neutral, on the bill in question and include a request for the letter to be included as part of the public hearing record.

Please note that mass communications will also not be included as part of the official hearing record as an exhibit regardless of delivery time or requests to have the communication included.

Option 4: Online Database

A new feature has been added to the Nebraska Legislature’s website for submission of written statements on pending legislation on the Legislature’s website at any stage of the bill’s process.  (To access this feature, search for the bill you wish to submit a statement on and click the corresponding button near the top of the bill page.)

These submissions will not be considered testimony or part of the public hearing record, but the submitted statements will be available on the UniNet for access by senators and staff throughout the session.  Please note, there should be no expectation of privacy regarding comments submitted in this format. If a citizen uses the database to submit their views prior to the public hearing on a bill or resolution, this option will allow input to the members of the committee prior to any committee votes.

Committee Emails

Each committee has been assigned a new committee email. If you are submitting written testimony or a position letter, your testimony must be sent to one of the emails below to be included in the record.

Agriculture Committee

Appropriations Committee

Banking, Commerce & Insurance Committee

Business & Labor Committee

Education Committee

Executive Board Committee

General Affairs Committee

Government, Military, & Veterans Affairs Committee

Health & Human Services Committee

Judiciary Committee

Natural Resources Committee

Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee

Revenue Committee

Transportation & Telecommunications Committee

Urban Affairs Committee

Dear friends and neighbors,

Below you can find a brief overview of each of the bills I have introduced for 2021, as well as a few of the nearly 80 proposals I am co-sponsoring with my colleagues.

The text of these bills is available on the Nebraska Legislature’s website. This is a great tool to use to find information on hearing dates, the progress of a bill, and other relevant documents. If you are interested in testifying on any bills, you can find an overview of the process here. Note that this year, written testimony will need to be submitted by noon the day before the bill’s hearing, a change from 5 pm in previous years. Guidance on hearings may continue to change depending on COVID-19, but I will make sure that you hear of any changes and are able to testify on the bills that matter to you.

All the best,

2021 Legislative Agenda

LB 120 – Prohibit discrimination based upon sexual orientation and gender identity

  • While the Supreme Court Bostock v. Clayton County case held that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects employees against this, it is still essential to pass this at the state level
  • Good governance to harmonize federal and state laws
  • Prevents employers and employees from wading through a patchwork of laws resulting in uncertainty and costly civil rights litigation

LB 121 – Expand access to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits for individuals with prior drug convictions 

  • Removes the lifetime SNAP ban for people with drug convictions who have either completed their sentence or are serving a term of parole, probation, or post-release supervision

LB 122 – Eliminate the subminimum wage for tipped workers

  • The tipped wage of $2.13/hour has not been updated since 1990, resulting in poverty rates 3 times higher for tipped workers than the general workforce. Eliminating the subminimum wage would put tipped workers at the standard state minimum wage of $9/hour.

LB 183 – Sexual Assault Emergency Care Act 

  • Require emergency rooms to provide information about emergency contraception to all victims of sexual assault, and to dispense emergency contraception upon request

LB 205 – Rental Housing Late Fees

  • Places reasonable limits on late fees or penalties that may be charged by a landlord and requires accurate and sufficient information to be provided in termination notices
  • Currently, there is no restriction on the amount of a late fee that can be charged for unpaid rent in Nebraska except that it cannot be “unconscionable.”  Data collected by the UNL Civil Clinic shows late fees often exceed the amount of rent due.

LB 229 – Gender Identity Hate Crimes

  • Provide for enhanced penalties and civil action for crimes committed because of a victim’s gender identity or association with a person of a certain gender identity.

LB 230 – LGBT Public Accommodation Equality

  • Prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity in public accommodations and under the Nebraska Fair Housing Act.

LB 231 – Ban Conversion Therapy

  • Prohibits any person holding a credential under the Uniform Credentialing Act from advertising for and/or charging money for conversion therapy and prohibits performing conversion therapy on any individual under the age of 19.
  • This would not prevent faith leaders from preaching what they believe regarding gender issues.

LB 517 – Gender Neutral Option for ID

  • Driver’s license applicant’s gender shall be indicated as female, male, or not specified through an indication of “X”
  • Provides a simplified pathway for Nebraskans to amend their gender on official government documents, such as a driver’s license

LB 250 – Interior Design Voluntary Registration Act

  • Creates a voluntary registration to be administered by the Nebraska State Treasurer for those qualified interior designers in Nebraska to use the title “Registered Interior Designer”
  • Gives those registered the ability to stamp and seal their interior design construction documents for permits in code-regulated spaces
  • Creates reciprocity for the Nebraska registration for those interior designers who may be registered, licensed, or certified in another state
  • Establishes continuing education requirements for those who wish to become registered

LB 260 – Unemployment for Caregivers 

  • Allows people who have made every effort to preserve employment but who have to leave work for temporary family caregiving needs to be eligible for unemployment

LB 276 – Telemedicine Abortions

  • Allows for medical abortions, or abortions administered via medication, to be administered through telemedicine
  • Eliminates the current statutory requirement that a physician be physically present in the same room when medical abortions are performed

LB 277 – Mobile Home Landlord-Tenant Update

  • In 2019, LB 433 amended the Uniform Residential Landlord-Tenant Act but it did not update the Mobile Home Landlord and Tenant Act to match it
  • This bill harmonizes the two acts to ensure uniformity in our state law with regard to the landlord-tenant issues addressed by LB 433

LB 356 – SNAP Comparable Disqualification

  • Prevents SNAP benefits from being cut if an individual fails to meet any requirements under some other federal benefit program such as TANF
  • This bill would opt the state out of this comparable disqualification option, meaning that if someone is to be disqualified from receiving SNAP benefits, it must be for reasons only related to failure to meet eligibility requirements for THAT program – not for some other public assistance program

LB 357 – Youth in Care Bill of Rights

  • Ensures that youth in our foster system and YRTC system are given notice of their rights related to services, connection to family, and transition planning
  • Ensures that caseworkers are trained on the rights and regularly discuss these rights with young people, and strengthens youths’ awareness of the grievance process through DHHS if they believe their rights have been violated

LB 358 – Tenant Anti-Retaliation 

  • Prohibits a landlord from retaliating against a tenant if the tenant has made a good faith complaint to the landlord of a violation of the housing code or noncompliance with the lease agreement or if the tenant has exercised or attempted to exercise a right or remedy under the lease agreement or law

Co-Sponsored Legislation

  • LR 10CA (Cavanaugh, M.) – Restore voting rights for felons, except if convicted of treason
  • LR 2CA (Wayne) –  Legalize cannabis for persons twenty-one and older and to require legislation
  • LB 20 (Blood) – Insurance coverage & Medicaid access to prescribed contraceptives
  • LB 56  (Lathrop) – Improve parole eligibility & accountability
  • LB 72 (Geist) – Provide for sale of alcoholic liquor not in its original package
  • LB 83 (Flood) – Allow Videoconferencing in the Open Meetings Act
  • LB 107 (McCollister) – Adopt the Redistricting Act to provide for fair redistricting
  • LB 109 (Pansing Brooks) – Provide that photographing or recording a peace officer is not an obstruction of justice
  • LB 110  (Pansing Brooks) – Change and provide duties relating to the use of force in law enforcement
  • LB 114 (McCollister) – Seal criminal records by adopting the Clean Slate Act
  • LB 125 (McCollister) – Ranked-Choice Voting
  • LB 128 (McCollister) – Seal eviction records
  • LB 134 (Brandt) – Require the posting and reporting of tax incentive information
  • LB 171 (Hansen, M.) – Increase unemployment benefits by 5% per dependant
  • LB 196 (Vargas) – Prohibit housing discrimination based on income source
  • LB 241 (Vargas) – Adopt the Meatpacking Employees COVID-19 Protection Act
  • LB 258 (Vargas) – Adopt the Healthy & Safe Families and Workplaces Act for safe and sick leave
  • LB 264 (Stinner) – Cultural district funding
  • LB 266 (McCollister) – Adopt the Renewable Energy Standards Act
  • LB 278 (Wayne) – Change the penalty for having residue of a controlled substance from a felony to a misdemeanor
  • LB 306 (Brandt) –  DHHS must allocate at least 10% of funds for the low-income home energy assistance program
  • LB 321 (Cavanaugh, J.) – Prohibit defendant’s discovery of victim’s actual or perceived gender or sexual orientation as a defense to a crime
  • LB 396 (Brandt) – Adopt the Nebraska Farm-to-School Program Act
  • LB 419 (Cavanaugh, J.) – Right to counsel in evictions

A day before the riot at the Capitol, robocalls were sent from the Republican Attorneys General Association, urging them to march on the Capitol to “stop the steal” and “continue to fight to protect the integrity of our election.”  Today (1.10.21) I filed a public records request to see to what extent public funds have supported Attorney General Doug Peterson’s membership of RAGA, including any impact those funds may have had in organizing support for the Capitol riot.

We need accountability for how these funds were used and for who is responsible. Those behind this dangerous attack an attack on the Capitol that left 5 people dead and directly targeted our elected representatives need to be condemned and punished. Every public official should agree: To let this insurrection pass without a full investigation would set a dangerous precedent for the future of our democracy.


Below is a copy of the request I sent to Attorney General Doug Peterson:

Mr. Peterson:

         This is a request under Nebraska public records law.

         Of course you are aware of the horrible events of January 6, 2021 in Washington D.C when hundreds of supporters of outgoing-President Donald J. Trump invaded the Capitol building.  Using social media and news outlets favorable to him, President Trump and others summoned and encouraged supporters to travel to Washington D.C. for a “MAGA Rally” to coincide with the ceremonial electoral vote counting and certification process that Congress was performing on that same day.  Shortly before the invasion of the Capitol, President Trump addressed the crowds of people who had assembled and told them that “[I]f you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore” and he urged them to move to the Capitol[1].  After being so encouraged, President Trump’s supporters stormed the Capitol and caused significant property damage to the offices and the building, stole or defaced personal and public property, and created circumstances that resulted in the deaths of five people, including a Capitol police officer who was attempting to defend the Capitol and those who worked there.  Not only were these acts criminal and shocking, they were an international embarrassment and disgrace, compounded with the involvement and support of the President and other elected officials, and it was a dramatic challenge to our democratic system.

         Subsequent news outlets have reported that a number of groups and entities provided financial and logistical support to those organizing and coordinating the protest gathering in Washington D.C. on January 6, 2021.  One of these groups apparently includes the Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA).  According to NBC News, a component or affiliate entity of RAGA, the Rule of Law Defense Fund (RLDF), funded a robo-call campaign to urge people to go to the Capitol on January 6, 2021 and, according to the robo-call recordings explained that “At 1 p.m., we will march to the Capitol building and call on Congress to stop the steal” of the election.[2]  Also, a website promoting the January 6, 2021 rally listed RLDF as a promoter and sponsor of the event.[3]

         According to its website, you are a member of RAGA.[4]  I am sure you would agree that the people of Nebraska have a right to know whether their public funds have supported your membership in this organization, including the extent their public funds may have supported the RLDF, and similarly the involvement and extent that their funds have supported any efforts you or your office may have had in organizing, encouraging, or providing any support of arranging attendance or disseminating information of the January 6, 2021 event in Washington D.C.  I am seeking documents relating to these questions.

         For purposes of this request:

  • “Documents” includes notes, memos, emails, text messages, faxes, letters or written items of any kind whether in paper format or electronic format, including recordings of virtual communications, video conferencing, or web conferencing.  This includes notes of telephone communications, virtual communications, or emails memorializing telephone conversations or virtual communications.
  • “RAGA” means the Republican Attorneys General Association. 
  • “RLDF” means the Rule of Law Defense Fund, an entity or subgroup or affiliate of RAGA.
  • “Your office” means the Attorney General’s office of the State of Nebraska and includes you, Doug Peterson, and all employees of the Attorney General office acting in their official capacity or on behalf of your office and/or the State of Nebraska.  This would include, but not be limited to, when you or such employee is using any state-owned or leased office space, computer, telephonic equipment, electronic communication device.  It would also include when you or any employee is not using state-owned or leased office space, but when you or such employee is accessing or using any computer, telephonic equipment, electronic communication device, database, or any other program or software that is maintained or provided by the state, regardless as to whether you or such employee is physically located in a state office building or on state-owned or state-leased property, such as when such employee is working from home due to COVID-19 protocols or for other reasons.  


         The materials I am requesting are limited to the time period of November 4, 2020 to January 10, 2021 except where noted below:

  1. Any documents including email, letter, phone message, or other communication with your office and RAGA, and with your office and the RLDF, and with your office and any individuals or organizations or entities acting or operating on behalf of RAGA and/or RLDF relating to discussion, planning, organizing, suggesting, or providing any support of the January 6, 2021 event in Washington D.C. described earlier in this correspondence.
  1. Any documents or records of public funds, including any invoice, contract, check, receipt, or contribution, or similar record to pay for membership or sponsorship or dues for RAGA, RLDF, or any person, organization, or entity operating on behalf of RAGA and/or RLDF for the time period of January 1, 2019 to January 10, 2021.
  1. Any documents including email, letter, telephone message or other communication between your office and Governor of Nebraska Pete Ricketts, or the Governor’s office, the Governor’s Budget Office, Governor’s Policy Research Office, regarding RAGA, RLDF, or any person, organization, or entity operating on behalf of RAGA and/or RLDF regarding the January 6, 2021 event in Washington D.C. described earlier in this correspondence.

         As you know, Nebraska state law requires a response to an open records request to be made within four (4) days of receipt. Please advise if you require additional time.

         When the documents relevant to this request are ready, you may provide them in electronic form or, if you are providing in paper form, please let me know and I will make arrangements in my office to access those.

         I look forward to hearing from you.


Senator Megan Hunt,

District 8

CC:   Members of the Legislature

      Members of the press   







Constituent Survey

Click here to take the district 8 legislative survey!

Please encourage your friends, neighbors, family, and coworkers to fill out this survey as well. It is essential for your representation to hear from as many constituents as possible.

If you would prefer to have a survey mailed to you, please email your address to and one will be sent to you. Thank you in advance for sharing your perspectives with me. I look forward to reading your surveys.

Virtual Town Hall Video

You can watch my full virtual town hall here. It is also posted on my Youtube and Facebook pages. 

I apologize for any inconvenience you may have encountered while trying to watch the event. Our first virtual town hall highlighted some issues for us, but they will all be fixed before our next event! Thank you all for watching and engaging with me.

Virtual Town Hall 10/25 – 2pm
October 19th, 2020

Join Senator Megan Hunt for her first Virtual Town Hall event! It will take place on October 25th at 2 pm. The event will be live-streamed via Zoom, Youtube, and Facebook on Senator Hunt’s pages.

Everyone is invited to attend the live stream via Facebook and Youtube. If you are a constituent, please register for the event via Zoom here. This will allow you to participate in the live Q&A at the end of the Town Hall. Questions can also be submitted by constituents and the general public by emailing them to or calling them in at 402-471-2722 prior to the event.

Today, the Nebraska Legislature passed the Nebraska Fair Pay to Play Act. LB 962, introduced by Senator Megan Hunt, provides a path for college athletes to receive compensation for their name, image, and likeness rights.

“With more than twenty-five state looking at this issue, Nebraska has an opportunity to be a leader in providing economic freedoms to college athletes. College athletes are the only students on campuses across Nebraska that are prevented from earning money from their reputation as an athlete, or from their own skill and talent,” Hunt said. “The vast majority of college athletes, even those with scholarships, struggle to make ends meet because unlike their fellow students, they can’t leverage their skills to earn a living. LB 962 is our chance to align these athletes with the rest of the student population and restore their right to earn a wage for their talent and skills.”

The bill provides for all student-athletes enrolled in public and private four-year colleges and universities in Nebraska to earn money from endorsements, sponsorships, and any other activities related to their athletic skills,” Hunt said. “Under current law, athletes cannot participate in the modern economy and are barred from doing things as simple as posting a sponsored post on social media or coaching private lessons in the off-season.” The delayed implementation date of 2023 provides ample time for colleges and the NCAA to prepare for this change.

Nebraska the third state in the nation to enact name, image, and likeness rights legislation. “We are already leading on this issue, exemplified by the University of Nebraska which is already at the forefront of providing a name, image, and likeness program for athletes,” Hunt said. “By restoring college athletes’ rights, we’re sending a clear message to students across the country: you’re welcome in Nebraska.”

Dear friends and neighbors,

Today I requested State Auditor Charlie Janssen to perform a financial audit and investigation of the operation of Test Nebraska in order to ensure that the state funds are being properly and judiciously spent.

TestNebraska is comprised of a number of out of state companies with little prior experience in mass testing, contact tracing, or pandemic treatment. TestNebraska promised to administer 3,000 tests a day. However, throughout June, the average daily test rate has been 1,200 – considerably less than half of the stated goal of 3,000 daily tests.

I appreciate that we are in an unprecedented time in our state with respect to responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. But in our current budget situation, a $27 million award with barely any debate and no competitive bidding needs to be looked at closely. In short, I want to know whether Nebraskans are getting their money’s worth and whether the millions we are paying these companies are actually going to testing Nebraskans for COVID-19.

A report generated by the Iowa State Auditor of their similar TestIowa program, which is administered in partnership with the same companies behind TestNebraska, found that TestIowa took “pointless risks” and increased liabilities to the state. Related to the claims of accuracy, in mid-June of 2020 a number of investors sued one of the TestNebraska companies (Co-Diagnostics) in Utah federal court alleging that executives had misrepresented their Logix COVID-19 test as being “100% accurate” and that company directors, officers and scientists “made continual, knowing and willful misstatements” about their COVID-19 test to inflate the Co-Diagnostics’ stock price.

I have urged the State Auditor to consider these areas of focus in any audit performed of Test Nebraska:

  • Is the quantity, or rate, of testing sufficient to justify our state spending this kind of money to TestNebraska
  • Is the quality, or accuracy of the testing similar to or consistent with other testing being done in Nebraska by area hospitals or clinics?
  • What is the actual rate of accuracy of the testing of TestNebraska?
  • What measures or efforts were taken to protect Nebraskan’s private health information that is collected by TestNebraska?
Read the Request to the Nebraska Auditor

As always, please let me know if I can be of any more assistance. Email is the best way to get in touch with me, at Please continue to wear a mask, maintain a 6′ social distance between others, and stay home as much as possible. I will continue to do everything I can through policy to keep you and your family safe, but without wider government leadership, you must choose to do what’s best for your own health.

Keep safe,

Changes to Unemployment
July 12th, 2020
Dear friends and neighbors,

Last week, Governor Ricketts announced that he was bringing back job search requirements for unemployed Nebraskans earlier than planned. Is that great? No — during this pandemic, this is not what’s best for Nebraskans. In the most economically robust of times, many people make convincing arguments for the need to ensure that the unemployed are motivated to continue to seek jobs, but that is not where we are today. My office has been contacted daily by Nebraskans who are confused and distraught about these new requirements. For example, many workers who are temporarily laid off with the expectation that they will be rehired do not want to waste time searching for jobs they do not intend to keep. On the flip side, employers don’t want the hassle of processing applications and training new employees who may not intend to stay. With this order, Governor Ricketts has introduced unnecessary friction into an already anxious economy. It doesn’t help.

But it’s where we are. And here is no hope for the Legislature to do anything to stop this. So let me help you understand it.

The Department of Labor has put together a helpful FAQ for workers who have been furloughed or have been working intermittently for their employer during this pandemic. It also includes Q&A for employers on how they can let the department know if they have employees on furlough that they want to bring back, and includes a form that employers can use to ask for an extension if needed.

Work Search FAQs for Workers
Form for Employers to Request an Extension

As always, please let me know if I can be of any more assistance. Email is the best way to get in touch with me, at Please continue to wear a mask, maintain a 6′ social distance between others, and stay home as much as possible. I will continue to do everything I can through policy to keep you and your family safe, but without wider government leadership, you must choose to do what’s best for your own health.

Keep safe,

Community Cares Act Grants
June 29th, 2020

Grants Available to Community Orgs

Dear friends and neighbors,

The Department of Health & Human Services is pleased to announce three funding opportunities for charitable organizations and providers. Please share this information with anyone who you think could benefit from it. The first grant application opens on Monday, June 29.

DHHS says they are committed to prioritizing funds for underserved communities, including areas of high poverty and areas disproportionately impacted by COVID-19.

Community CARES Stabilization Grant

  • One-time payment of at least $12,000 for charitable organizations and eligible provider organizations. Applicants must have sustained increased costs and/or lower revenue/income due to COVID-19. Total allocation: $40 million
  • Applications open: June 29-July 6, 2020
  • To apply:

Community CARES Response and Recovery Grant

  • Competitive grant opportunity for non-profits and eligible provider organizations that will help children, families and communities respond to and recover from the impacts of COVID-19. Funding can be used for homelessness prevention assistance, shelters, meal delivery for individuals with food access barriers, telehealth resources, PPE, community health services, behavioral health services, sanitation of public spaces, and more. Applications must include measurable outcomes. Funding is subject to federal grant subrecipient requirements and must be expended by December 30, 2020.
  • Awards expected to be in the range of $50,000-$2,000,000.
  • Total allocation: $43 million
  • Applications open: July 1-8, 2020
  • To apply:

Community CARES Healthy Places Grant for Child Care Centers and Places of Worship

  • Funds will be used for the purchase of PPE and cleaning supplies. These health and safety supplies will help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 across Nebraska. Total allocation: $2 million
  • Applications open: July 6-12, 2020
  • To apply:
As always, please let me know if I can be of any more assistance. Email is the best way to get in touch with me, at

Keep safe,

Dear friends and neighbors,

Hello Nebraskans, and especially my friends in District 8. Are you looking for an opportunity to serve? In Nebraska, our Governor has the power to appoint leaders for many of the state’s agencies, boards, and commissions. Those organizations may be as large as DHHS or the Department of Education, and as small as the Brand Committee or the Boiler Safety Code Advisory Board.

Each appointment is confirmed by the Legislature during a confirmation hearing. In my committees of Government, Military, and Veteran’s Affairs, Urban Affairs, and General Affairs, we have held confirmation hearings for several appointed positions. These hearings go through the same process as bills: the appointee answers questions from senators on the committee, and then members of the public are invited to testify in support, opposition, or in a neutral position on the appointment. The committee then votes on whether to send the appointment to the full Legislature, which debates the appointment and then votes on final confirmation. Most appointees are very well-qualified and well-vetted and sail through the process to begin serving the public.

These appointments on commissions and boards are an important way for citizens across the state to bring their expertise to policies and decisions made by our state government. I encourage you to consider serving, and to occasionally check the Governor’s webpage to see if there is an opening that is a good fit for you or someone you know. A list of current vacancies and the application form can be found at the following link! I would love to see more of my constituents, and more Nebraskans statewide, active in their local governments.

Please check this list out! See a complete list of the openings currently seeking applicants here.

Complete an online application for a board or commission here.

As always, please let me know if I can be of any more assistance. Email is the best way to get in touch with me, at

Keep safe,

Sen. Megan Hunt

District 8
Room 2107
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2722
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