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Bruce Bostelman

Sen. Bruce Bostelman

District 23

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As I write this article the legislature has only one day remaining of 105th Legislature, Second Session. The legislature is scheduled to adjourn sine die on April 18th. The last day will be spent passing the remaining bills sitting on final reading.

The legislature spent this last week moving bills through select and final reading. LB1081, an Education Committee Priority Bill, was passed by the legislature. LB1081 updates several education statute provisions as well as adopts the Nebraska Reading Improvement Act.

LB1120 by Senator Larson was discussed on select file. LB1120 would adopt the Music Licensing Agency Act to provide protections to those entities that host live music performances and require music licensing agencies to register with the Department of Revenue and follow particular requirements when contacting proprietors. LB1120 was amended to include portions of Senator Thibodeau’s LB747 which regulates Bottle Clubs.  The bill as amended advanced to final reading.

LB989 by Senator Wishart was discussed on general and select file. The bill would provide authorizations and regulations for autonomous vehicles in Nebraska under certain conditions. The bill as amended advanced to final reading.

LB496 by Senator Stinner was debated on select file. LB496 would redefine terms under the Community Development Law to include construction of workforce housing as part of a redevelopment project for tax-increment financing if certain requirements are met. The bill advanced to final reading.

LB1090 by Senator Smith was passed on final reading. LB1090 would create a new personal exemption in Nebraska and increase Nebraska’s standard tax deduction canceling out any state tax increase that would have resulted from federal tax changes.

LB1132 by Senator Pansing Brooks was passed on final reading. LB1132 would provide a procedure to set aside convictions of victims of sex trafficking and to expunge related records.

LB994 by Senator Friesen would create the Rural Broadband Study Task Force. LB994 is intended to assist in bringing enhanced broadband telecommunications services to unserved and underserved areas in rural Nebraska. Increasing access to broadband in rural areas is an issue I am passionate about working on. LB994 was passed by the legislature.

Two of my own bills were heard on final reading this last week.LB901 is a bill which supports our National Guard by protecting historic terrain flight training areas utilized by the Guard in rotary wing aircraft training allowing them to remain mission ready. LB902 is a public records bill which protects personal information contained on forms required for purchase or registration of certain firearms. Both bills passed and were presented to the Governor.

As the end of session approaches I want to remind everyone that my office will remain open over the interim and encourage anyone with legislative concerns to contact my office. I understand the need for substantial property tax relief and was one of the thirteen Senators to formally request a special session to address property taxes. I look forward to updating you next week with an overview of this session, property taxes, and what I will be working on over the interim.

Sen. Bruce Bostelman

District 23
Room 1210
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2719
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