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Over the last two weeks my office has met with several groups involved in juvenile justice and human trafficking. I attended a human trafficking task force meeting and took part in discussions on juvenile justice across the district. Juvenile justice and human trafficking are important issues in our society and our district and I enjoyed the opportunity to meet with these groups and to update them on the statutory changes from this session affecting juvenile justice and human trafficking. I appreciate the work all members of these groups do in an effort to tackle these important issues.
The legislature was visited this week by students from St John’s Elementary and Yutan Elementary. St. John’s 3rd and 4th grade students from Weston visited the Capitol on Monday, April 23rd and Yutan Elementary 4th grade students toured the Capitol on Thursday, April 26th. I enjoyed the opportunity to speak with both groups of students about the legislative process and our unique Unicameral.
The 105th Legislature Second Session finished hearing bills on final reading and adjourned sine die last Wednesday August 18th.
All 5 bills I introduced this session as well as 2 carry-over bills from last session were signed into law. My legislation included provisions to further protect our wildlife in this state through LB1008, updates to car titling and licensing statutes and other Department of Motor Vehicle provisions in LB909 which also included my LB900, protection of our military terrain flight training areas in LB901, and protection of personal information on firearm purchase permits and registrations in LB902. My carryover bills LB177 and LB472 introduced last session dealing with additional Department of Transportation updates were also signed into law. All legislation for the session goes into effect 3 calendar months following session (July), unless the bill contains a specified enactment date or an emergency clause.
I was disappointed the legislature did not accomplish more on property tax relief this session. I understand that property taxes is an important issue for individuals in District 23 and across our state. Real property tax relief is a priority for me. I worked this session with a variety of Senators, individuals and organizations in an attempt to obtain property tax relief and was frustrated that the legislature was not able to move any meaningful property tax relief legislation forward. I was one of the 13 cosigners requesting a special session to address property taxes. 33 senators are required to sign for the special session to be called. As of the writing of this article the status of that request is unknown as Senators have until Monday April 23rd to turn in the request forms. Regardless if a special session is called I will continue to work over the interim on property tax relief solutions.
The legislature was able to move legislation forward on other important issues this session such as rural broadband expansion, combatting opioid abuse, reform within juvenile justice and corrections, tax reform in LB1090, and exemptions provided for diesel fuel and natural gas in LB900.
Expanding rural broadband is an important issue for the people of District 23 and one I continue to work on. I would encourage you to take time and complete a survey that looks at “How Nebraskans are using Broadband” and its cost benefits which is available until April 30th at
There will be some new faces at the Legislature starting next session as 6 Senators were term limited this year and two Senators are not seeking a second term. The legislature heard farewell speeches from the departing Senators on the last day of session.
I will spend the interim working on property taxes, juvenile justice, human trafficking, rural broadband and other issues affecting District 23. I will also work on my LR395, an interim study to examine issues and identify the needs of the volunteer EMS services in Nebraska, as well as, interim studies of the Natural Resource and Transportation and Telecommunications Committees.
I look forward to my continued work with groups and agencies throughout the District. My office remains open over the interim and I appreciate constituents contacting me through my office. Please note: the Capitol HVAC project will begin this summer and my physical office will be moving up to the 8th floor. My office email ( and phone (402-471-2719) will remain the same, however, if you come to the Capitol starting in June you will find my office on the 8th floor. You can stay up to date on what I am working on over the interim on my legislative webpage at
As I write this article the legislature has only one day remaining of 105th Legislature, Second Session. The legislature is scheduled to adjourn sine die on April 18th. The last day will be spent passing the remaining bills sitting on final reading.
The legislature spent this last week moving bills through select and final reading. LB1081, an Education Committee Priority Bill, was passed by the legislature. LB1081 updates several education statute provisions as well as adopts the Nebraska Reading Improvement Act.
LB1120 by Senator Larson was discussed on select file. LB1120 would adopt the Music Licensing Agency Act to provide protections to those entities that host live music performances and require music licensing agencies to register with the Department of Revenue and follow particular requirements when contacting proprietors. LB1120 was amended to include portions of Senator Thibodeau’s LB747 which regulates Bottle Clubs. The bill as amended advanced to final reading.
LB989 by Senator Wishart was discussed on general and select file. The bill would provide authorizations and regulations for autonomous vehicles in Nebraska under certain conditions. The bill as amended advanced to final reading.
LB496 by Senator Stinner was debated on select file. LB496 would redefine terms under the Community Development Law to include construction of workforce housing as part of a redevelopment project for tax-increment financing if certain requirements are met. The bill advanced to final reading.
LB1090 by Senator Smith was passed on final reading. LB1090 would create a new personal exemption in Nebraska and increase Nebraska’s standard tax deduction canceling out any state tax increase that would have resulted from federal tax changes.
LB1132 by Senator Pansing Brooks was passed on final reading. LB1132 would provide a procedure to set aside convictions of victims of sex trafficking and to expunge related records.
LB994 by Senator Friesen would create the Rural Broadband Study Task Force. LB994 is intended to assist in bringing enhanced broadband telecommunications services to unserved and underserved areas in rural Nebraska. Increasing access to broadband in rural areas is an issue I am passionate about working on. LB994 was passed by the legislature.
Two of my own bills were heard on final reading this last week.LB901 is a bill which supports our National Guard by protecting historic terrain flight training areas utilized by the Guard in rotary wing aircraft training allowing them to remain mission ready. LB902 is a public records bill which protects personal information contained on forms required for purchase or registration of certain firearms. Both bills passed and were presented to the Governor.
As the end of session approaches I want to remind everyone that my office will remain open over the interim and encourage anyone with legislative concerns to contact my office. I understand the need for substantial property tax relief and was one of the thirteen Senators to formally request a special session to address property taxes. I look forward to updating you next week with an overview of this session, property taxes, and what I will be working on over the interim.
The legislature finished up debate of general file priority bills last week and will spend the remaining legislative days of the session moving bills through the legislative process on select file and final reading. My own priority bill, LB902 was discussed by the legislature. LB902 is a public records bill which would protect personal information contained on forms for firearm purchase permits and registration from public disclosure. Law enforcement would still have access to such information. LB902 advanced to final reading.
Other bills of mine, LB1008 and LB909 which were selected as Committee Priority Bills were passed by the legislature on final reading. LB909 was amended to include my LB900 which is the annual update bill for the Department of Motor Vehicles and Nebraska State Patrol and ensures Nebraska remains in compliance with federal regulation and continues to receive federal highway funds. LB900 also amends commercial driver’s license provisions to allow an exception for drivers transporting diesel fuel and provides a special weight allowance for vehicles fuels primarily by natural gas.
The legislature passed the budget bills on final reading and the bills were signed by the Governor on April 4th without any line item vetoes.
The legislature heard several property tax related bills and amendments on general file last week. LB947 and LB1103 were discussed on the floor. Amendments to LB1103 which include pieces of LB1084 another property tax relief proposal were also debated. As of the writing of this article we still do not have a path forward for meaningful property tax relief. I continue to work to find compromise that will provide building blocks for us as a state to provide tax relief that is direct and sustainable.
Other priority topics discussed on general file include testing for autonomous vehicles in LB989, a faithful delegate bill addressing delegates for an Article V Convention of States in LB1058, adopting the Small Wireless Facilities Act in LB389 and LR1CA which would create a Constitutional amendment to require voter identification.
The legislature was visited this week by two high school students from Howells-Dodge. The students were visiting and learning about the unicameral as part of their sophomore pilgrimage. I enjoyed meeting with the students and discussing the legislative process.
Senator and Sophomore Students from Howells-Dodge
Nebraska Future Farmers of America (FFA) celebrated the 90th annual Nebraska FFA Convention last week. I enjoyed the opportunity to meet with students from District 23 at the annual FFA Legislative Breakfast and discuss the unicameral and issues facing Nebraska.
I introduced LR395, an interim study resolution to examine issues and needs of the emergency medical service system provided by volunteers in Nebraska. I look forward to working on this study over the interim to address impediments to rural emergency medical services and work toward identifying a plan for the future of such services. Many of our rural communities rely solely on the medical services provided by volunteers within our communities and LR395 gives us the opportunity to identify and address important issues related to these crucial services.
The legislature continues to work on priority legislation as the session winds down. Several priority bills were debated this week including several of my own. My LB909 which was selected as committee priority bill for the Transportation and Telecommunications Committee and which included several other priority bills from the committee was heard and advanced to final reading. LB1008, my bill which was selected as a Natural Resource Priority Bill and which contained several other natural resource bills was also discussed and advanced to final reading. Another bill I introduced LB901 which would give the Nebraska National Guard a voice in and protect Terrain Flight Training Areas where the Guard trains to remain mission ready was advanced to final reading.
Other bills debated included LB841 a bill introduced by Senator Pansing Brooks which was prioritized by the Judiciary Committee. LB841 would provide duties related to correctional overcrowding emergencies. LB841 was amended to include several other judiciary committee bills. The package as a whole seeks to address justice and corrections concerns which remain a priority for the legislature. LB841 as amended by Am2092 and Am2634 advanced to select file.
The main budget bill, LB944 was discussed on select file. Compromise language on the Title X provision of the budget was reached and incorporated into the bill through AM2750. The budget as amended was advanced by the legislature to final reading.
I remain committed to addressing property taxes this session and I continue to work with various groups and Senators on the issue. Two bills that have been placed on general file which could affect property taxes are LB947 introduced by Senator Smith at the request of the Governor and LB1103 introduced by Senator Friesen. LB947 would adopt the Nebraska Property Tax Cuts and Opportunities Act and changes corporate tax, workforce development and certain exemptions and credits. LB947 would provide a refundable income tax credit equal to a percentage of property taxes paid. The bill allows for the credit percentage to increase per year if certain conditions are met. A cap is set on the credit amount available each year. LB1103 seeks to provide a minimum amount of state aid to every school district changing the way schools are funded and therefore affecting a school districts reliance on property tax funding.
The following bills were passed by the legislature on Final Reading on Thursday, March 29th and will be given to the governor: LB42, LB702, LB773 and LB931. LB42 by Senator Hilkemann changes provisions relating to child passenger restraint requirements in vehicles. LB702 introduced by Senator Kolterman reduces the time an incarcerated individual is considered to have an involuntary reduction of income for child support purposes from one year to one hundred eighty days. LB773 by Senator Clements prohibits intimidation by electronic communication. LB931 by Senator Howard provides requirements for opiate and controlled substance prescriptions and generally limits the number of days a medical practitioner could prescribe opioid pain relievers for a patient younger than 19 to help combat opioid abuse.
For high school students who are interested in learning more about the legislative process there is a great opportunity I would recommend to you. The Clerk of the Legislature’s Office coordinates a four-day legislative simulation each summer that offers high school students a hands-on opportunity to experience the legislative process. The Unicameral Youth Legislature is scheduled for June 10-13 and the registration deadline is May 15th. For more information go to
The session is winding down with several key topics still left for the legislature to tackle including the budget, property taxes and education related bills. Several bills were heard on general file last week. LB1005 by Senator Kolterman which would make changes to county or school retirement provisions advanced to select file. LB1009 by Senator Murante to provide a super-two rural highway classification and raise maximum highway speed limits on particular roads was debated. LB1009 advanced to select file with an amendment which struck the interstate speed increase provision from the bill. LB990 introduced by Seantor Wayne which would create the offense of possession of a firearm by a prohibited juvenile defender was advanced to select file. LB1130 introduced by Senator Kuehn which would provide a disclosure requirement for certain tax-exempt organizations under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act was discussed on general file. A final vote on the bill has not been taken. LB295 a bill introduced by Senator Smith which would adopt the Opportunity Scholarships Act and provide taxpayers a non-refundable tax credit equal to the amount the taxpayer contributed to a scholarship granting organization. There was no vote on the bill.
Two of my bills were heard on general file as Committee Priority Bills. LB909 my bill which was used as a vehicle for Transportation and Telecommunication Committee priorities was heard on general file. My LB909 would amend titling and licensing provisions to provide for the designation of vehicle titles as reconstructed or replica and contained other DMV related legislation. LB909 advanced to select file. LB1008 my bill which was selected as a Natural Resource Priority bill was also heard on general file. It would increase liquidated damages amounts for violations of game law and was amended by the committee to include several other natural resource committee priority bills. A provision of the amendment which clarified public records of public power drew a great deal of discussion. A final vote has not been taken on the bill.
The legislature has yet to pass the main budget bill, LB944, as of March 23. The bill failed a cloture vote after debate over a Title X provision. The legislature must pass the budget before the end of session in order to ensure the state remains fully funded until next session.
The legislature was visited by 4th grade students from St. Mary’s School in David City. I enjoyed welcoming the students to the capitol and discussing the legislative process.
For high school students who are interested in learning more about the legislative process there is a great opportunity I would recommend to you. The Clerk of the Legislature’s Office coordinates a four-day legislative simulation each summer that offer high school students a hands-on opportunity to experience the legislative process. The Unicameral Youth Legislature is scheduled for June 10-13 and the registration deadline is May 15th. For more information go to
I would like to wish everyone a safe and blessed Easter Weekend.
The legislature has less than 15 days left of this short 60 day session. The focus for the remainder of session will be on debate of priority legislation and passage of the budget bills.
The package of budget bills include LB944, LB945 and LB946. LB944, introduced by the Speaker at the request of the Governor, is part of the Governor’s 2018 midbiennium budget adjustment recommendations for the 2017-2019 biennium. The bill makes adjustments to appropriations and reappropriations for state operations, aid and construction programs, provides for transfers, and modifies intent language and earmarks accompanying appropriations for the current fiscal year ending June 30, 2018 and the next fiscal year ending June 30, 2019.
The Appropriations Committee advanced their budget recommendations for LB944 on a unanimous 9-0 vote. LB944 includes a 2 percent reduction this year and another 2 percent cut the following year for state agencies. The Committee chose to prioritize higher education and hold the second year reduction to the University of Nebraska to 1 percent. To balance the budget, LB944 transfers $100 million from the Cash Reserve Fund. The budget seeks to protect funding for K-12 education, obligations for pension funds and the property tax credit. LB944 was discussed on general file on Tuesday, March 13th. After several hours of discussion on the amount of money transferred from the Cash Reserve Fund as well as a Title X provision, LB944 advanced to select file on a vote of 38-6 with 4 present and not voting.
The other two bills in the budget package LB945 and LB946 were also discussed. LB945 contains the Appropriations Committee recommendations as to fund transfers, creation of funds and changes governing the administration and use of funds, in those instances where statutory changes are necessary or desirable. LB946 provides for a transfer from the Cash Reserve Fund to the General Fund and changes a transfer from the Cash Reserve Fund to the Nebraska Capital Construction Fund for use in the Capitol HVAC project. Both bills advanced to select file. I will continue to keep you updated on the budget package as it makes its way through the legislative process.
I remain committed to real property tax relief this session and have been working with Senators and others toward advancement of legislation and policy that will aid in property tax relief. I will continue to work on property taxes and will keep you updated on any legislation.
As the legislature draws near the end of session, we will be working on moving priority bills through the legislative process. One of my own bills, LB901, was selected as a Speaker Priority Bill and was debated and advanced to select file. LB901 would protect historic Terrain Flight Training Areas for the National Guard and give them a voice in the permitting process in these crucial training areas to help them remain mission ready.
I will continue to keep you updated as we work on priority legislation for the remainder of session.
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