The official site of the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature

Bruce Bostelman

Sen. Bruce Bostelman

District 23

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Update 6/5/23
June 5th, 2023

The Legislature has concluded the First Session of the 108th Legislature, Sine Die. This year 820 bills were introduced along with 274 Legislative Resolutions. These resolutions include celebrations of achievements, studies to be completed during the interim, and constitutional amendments. The Legislature passed a total 291 bills this first session that were included in 52 “priority bills”. All of these bills have either been signed or will be signed by the Governor.

This past week we addressed the line item vetoes from the Governor. The legislature has taken up specific motions to override certain line items that the Governor vetoed. The only motion that was sustained was to override the Governor’s veto for additional funds for the Public Auditor’s office. Auditor Foley had previously testified that the office needed additional staff in order to carry out the function of his office. The Auditor’s office is charged with auditing all State agencies, officers, boards, bureaus, commissions and other investigations.

LB298, a speaker priority bill, was passed on Wednesday. LB298 adopts the Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact for Nebraska. This compact will create a reciprocity agreement for those with teaching certificates. If you are licensed in one state that has adopted the contract and move to another state that has also adopted the compact, the teacher licensure process will be streamlined and less burdensome. Once ten states have signed onto this compact the bill will take effect.

As the week wrapped up, the Legislature began debate on the remaining bills on Finale Reading. This includes LB227 which is the Health and Human Services committee Priority bill. The bill provides requirements for increases in Medicaid reimbursement to hospitals, extends the sunset date for the Federal Child Care Subsidy program and Cash Assistance to families who have not achieved economic self-sufficiency. Further, the bill extends the sunset date of the SNAP gross income eligibility limit of 165% of the poverty level until September 2025. There are 24 bills amended into LB227 for more information visit the legislature’s website.

On Thursday we passed the second Revenue Committee Priority package LB727. This bill included LB529 requires at least one elected official from each participating political subdivision seeking a levy override, shall attend the joint public hearing on raising property taxes in that subdivision. This change was made after the committee received feedback that members were not attending the public meetings outside a single representative. The Legislature received some feedback after the public meetings last year that the appropriate officials were not present to answer relevant questions regarding the levy increases.

As the first day of summer quickly approaches, I urge everyone to make safety a priority whether traveling on the roadways, enjoying Nebraska waterways or other activities. My office remains open over the interim to serve District 23 and Nebraska. I appreciate hearing from constituents and encourage you to contact my office on legislation at 402-471-2719 or

Sen. Bruce Bostelman

District 23
Room 1210
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2719
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