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Bruce Bostelman

Sen. Bruce Bostelman

District 23

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Greetings from the legislature, the body met for only three days last week. Hearings for both my committees concluded last week, at the time of publishing, full day debate will have begun. The full day debates typically run from nine in the morning to at least five, sometimes running past five into the later portions of the evening.

Last week, we debated Sen. Clements’ priority bill LB1067 and Sen. Raybould’s priority bill LB1288. Sen. Clement’s LB1067 would eliminate inheritance tax over a five year period and would create the State Prisoner Reimbursement Act if passed. Some examples specifically showcasing these changes would be the creation of a new statute that would allow for an increase for reimbursement for housing a state prisoner under the State Prisoner Reimbursement Act up to a set cap of $3,910,000.00 annually for these reimbursements.


Sen. Conrad’s LB16 passed final reading on Thursday as well, LB16 is a bill that aims to make multiple changes to the laws surrounding occupational regulations. It also adds two new members to the State Electrical Board. Furthermore, it provides reciprocal licensure for individuals, like real estate agents, attorneys, architects, who hold licenses in other states and who may want to move to Nebraska. 

LB867 is the natural resource committee’s first designated priority bill. LB867 is one of my bills for this session, and it creates a voluntary database of Hunting and Fishing Guides and Outfitters created by Nebraska Game and Parks. Qualified applicants may be placed on the database for a period of 3 years. The purpose of this bill is to provide the public with a database list of Hunting and Fishing Guides and Outfitters with “trusted” businesses providing a level of assurance that the guide or outfitter knows and complies with state and federal laws.. 


There were also multiple bills included in LB867 as amendments to the original bill. This includes LB971, LB1001, LB1406, and LB866, and LB868. LB971 from Sen. Lippincott, creates a free hunting permit for veterans to hunt on Veteran’s Day. Sen. Conrad’s LB1001, provides for a waterfowl hunting season for veterans or members of the armed forces as long as they have a valid hunting permit and all required stamps. Sen. Sanders’ LB1406 provides state park entry permits to active duty military stationed in Nebraska for a fee of $5. 


In addition, LB867 includes my two bills LB866 and LB868. LB866 addresses concerns over succession planning for the one Power Review Board member designated to represent the Board and the State of Nebraska on the Southwest Power Pool’s state regulators committee, to alleviate recruitment difficulties for the Board. LB868 extends the sunset date for the Petroleum Release Remedial Action Cash Fund which is used to clean up petroleum tank spills.


As always, constituents can contact my office with any questions or thoughts on legislation impacting District 23. You can reach my office at 402-471-2719 or


Sen. Bruce Bostelman

District 23
Room 1210
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2719
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