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Myron Dorn

Sen. Myron Dorn

District 30

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March 5, 2021 Update
March 4th, 2021

Tax season, calving season, basketball season; whatever keeps you busy at this time of year, I hope you are also following the activity here at the Nebraska Legislature. The workload for the Appropriations Committee reaches its maximum at this point in the session. We finished reviewing state agency and program requests this week. Next week, we will meet in executive session on all the bills heard by our committee, and vote to advance those to the floor for debate, or hold them in committee. 

Last week we received a positive forecast from the Economic Advisory Board, which increased revenue for the next year by about $204 million. This increase in revenue reflects not only state revenue but also the impact CARES act funding and stimulus package dollars flowing into the state have had. I am thankful our economy is as strong as it is, but much goes into creating the budget. Not only do we consider agency requests, direct funding requests in bills, but also other bills that have a cost, and the Governor’s proposals. Appropriation Committee Chairman Stinner is keeping to a firm deadline for having the budget out by March 25th.

Senator Vargas from Omaha introduced LB 637, which provides Local Public Health Departments clear authority over the spread of contagious diseases and other public health related issues and gives those departments the ability to issue necessary Directed Health Measures (DHMs) for their communities. We had laws on the books dealing with emergencies that functioned well, but until you get into an event like the pandemic, you don’t always see how those will work out. That resulted in questions. For example, most Public Health Departments did not have authority to issue mask mandates. It took some time but it was determined that cities such as Beatrice had the ability to issue mask requirements, not Public Health Departments.

Early on in the pandemic, in visiting with Kim Showalter, director of Public Health Solutions for Gage county, I learned the steps they were working through, and how quickly things were changing, sometimes hourly.  Also, a public health dept in western Nebraska could face entirely different situations than Beatrice or Lincoln. Being on the front line, the health departments are aware of the conditions affecting their specific regions. 

Senator Walz introduced LB 539 before the Transportation committee to restrict the length of trains to 8,500 feet. This mirrors what surrounding states have enacted. There have been concerns at times with 15,000 foot trains, blocking crossings for too long of a time period. Both Burlington (BNSF) and Union Pacific were both opposed to this bill. We do need to be mindful about the important role of rail transportation in our state’s economy, moving grain and other products we produce in Nebraska. Efficiencies do come with having unit trains of specific lengths to meet capacities of cargo ships, for example. However, safety is a critical component as well. One thing about any bill that comes before the Legislature, there are proponents and opponents, lobbyists for both sides of an issue, committees, staff and senators who all consider the contents of the bill. So if it does get through the process and becomes a law, it has usually been well vetted for soundness with a consideration of the pros and cons.

With 52 days left in the session, there is plenty of work yet to be done. Please continue to contact me with any questions or concerns.  402-471-2620


Sen. Myron Dorn

District 30
Room 1208
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2620
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