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Myron Dorn

Sen. Myron Dorn

District 30

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Weekly Update
April 12th, 2024

Day 59 of 60 is complete. A lot of work has been finished in the past few days, which encompassed every level of debate from General File (first round) to Select File (second round) to Final Reading. On Day 59 we passed 103 bills on to the Governor for his signature. It takes a large number of both hours and personnel to get just one bill over the finish line, to get over 100 finalized is amazing.

I want to recognize the divisions of the Legislature who work so tirelessly to get this done: Fiscal Office, Revisors’ Office, Legislative Research, Transcribers, Unicameral Information Office, Bill Room, Mail Room, Human Resources,  Accounting and the Clerk’s Office. We also appreciate our Legislative Pages and the Sergeants at Arms, Security and our excellent Technology Center. Like any smoothly running operation, it takes many dedicated staff to keep things rolling along well. Our work requires all of these departments to insure compliance and accuracy.

Among the bills on Final Reading this past week were three that I introduced. LB 1095 was primarily “clean up” language to clarify the definition of motor fuels and motor fuel dispensers, define the average annual gas gallonage to the most recent three years, and explain that if there is a blend of diesel and biodiesel, only the biodiesel portion is eligible for the credit. This legislation was a follow up to my E-15 ethanol bill from last year.

A second bill, LB 1108e, transfers funds from the Game and Parks Commission Capital Maintenance Fund to the Nebraska Emergency Medical Systems Operations Fund. The money will be used to support the Statewide Trauma System Act and the Emergency Medical Services Practice Act. A lot of program titles! But the result will be improved training opportunities for rural emergency medical responders, who are desperately needed. And the “e clause” attached to this bill means it will go into effect immediately upon the Governor’s signature. 

Another bill I am happy to have sponsored is LB 130. This measure will allow qualified nursing homes and long term care facilities to access federal funds. Boosting the reimbursements under the medical assistance program is a good first step toward keeping these health providers solvent and thriving. 

I have enjoyed serving on the Appropriations Committee for this sixth year. It takes awhile to learn the ins and outs of the process. As you know, our state constitution requires us to pass a balanced budget. Requests for funding must be weighed against revenue sources (which includes taxes coming in as well as reductions in revenue), the health of the economy and the amount remaining in reserve. 

Details are crucial in the Appropriations process and yet we have to deal with quite a number of variables and unknowns in putting together a budget. That challenge has been both aggravating and satisfying at the same time. Watching the different elements come together and seeing behind the scenes of state government has been interesting and illuminating. 

The budget bills that we passed were returned with the Governor’s signature and with no line item vetoes. The state has money in reserve (the rainy day fund) and has allocated dollars for a level of property tax relief. The state must support education, health and human services, corrections and transportation, which consume the greatest share of the budget. The state’s 80+ agencies and multiple programs have been sustained – not always at the amount desired but all have been able to continue working for Nebraskans.

The Legislature has one day remaining in this short 60 day session, April 18. Two bills remain to be debated and voted upon, LB 1402 and LB 388. I anticipate a long day before we wrap up our work for the year. The possibility of a special session is being discussed, hinging on whether we pass additional tax relief through LB 388; and if the votes are there for changing the electoral college. Stay tuned.

My contact information:  402-471-2620.


Sen. Myron Dorn

District 30
Room 1208
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2620
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