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Steve Erdman

Sen. Steve Erdman

District 47

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Straight Talk From Steve…
September 8th, 2017

2017 is proving to be a hard year on our nation for natural disasters. Wildfires in the Pacific Northwest continue to burn out of control, Hurricane Harvey wreaked havoc on the southern coast of Texas and the state of Louisiana, Hurricane Irma leveled several islands in the Caribbean before sweeping its destruction up the Florida peninsula, and now Hurricane Jose is on its way here. It seems as though every section of our country has been adversely effected in some way.

Now is the time to pray for our fellow Americans, and to support them in any way we can. I salute those who served in the Cajun Navy in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, and I hold them up as examples for the rest of us to follow. I am proud that our own president donated one million dollars of his own money to help the people of Houston recover. As those in the devastated areas begin to rebuild, ask yourself what you can do to help. When my own home was hit by the Bayard tornado earlier this year, several volunteers came and helped me clear out the fallen trees and debris, and I remain thankful for their help.

As Americans, we are rugged and we are tough, but we are also very kind and generous with our resources. When natural disasters hit other countries, we are usually the first ones to respond with kindness and generosity. Kindness and generosity are core American values. They define us as Christians and they define us as Americans. So, let us seize the opportunities before us, and let us show the rest of the world once again who we really are by showing kindness and giving generously to those who live in these devastated areas of our country.

Natural disasters test our spiritual strength as well as our moral fortitude. In such devastating times as these, I am reminded of some of the words of President Abraham Lincoln: “The only assurance of our nation’s safety is to lay a foundation in morality and religion.”


Sen. Steve Erdman

District 47
Room 1124
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2616
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