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Congratulations to Nailah Pereya Galdean for winning the Safe Digging Poster Contest!
The One Call Board of Nebraska recently invited elementary age students and youth organization members in our district to travel on a magical and educational journey while teaching them the importance of underground utility services and the dangers of unsafe digging practices.
Utilizing a fun and educational DVD combined with a comprehensive Teacher’s Resource Guide developed by the Common Ground Alliance, educators took the opportunity to explain the necessity of the underground utilities we use every day. The “Call Before You Dig” message was carried throughout the lesson explaining the importance of using safe digging practices along with the associated dangers of damaging an underground utility, such as the loss of key services like 911, electricity, internet and heating/air conditioning.
To conclude the educational segment, students were encouraged to create posters highlighting safe digging and “811” – the National “Call Before You Dig” telephone number. Several of these posters were randomly selected and used in various promotional venues including flyers, websites and billboards across the State of Nebraska. In addition, six individual classes that participated in the Safe Digging Pirate Adventure were randomly selected to receive a complimentary bench, commemorative plaque and a tree for their school, along with a cookie party to celebrate their knowledge of the importance to “Call Before You Dig”.
Nailah Pereya Galdean, a student at Prairie View Elementary School in Ogallala, NE was named as one of the contest winners. To celebrate, there will be a special event at the school on Friday, April 21 at 12:30 p.m. MST the One Call Board of Directors will be presenting the school with their chosen tree, complimentary park bench, and a commemorative plaque. The public is invited to attend this event to recognize the school’s participation in and knowledge of safe digging practices.
Streaming video provided by Nebraska Public Media