Meetings and Hearings
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The Redistricting Committee will be hosting a public briefing for senators and staff on Tuesday, September 7th, at 11 a.m. in room 1510 of the State Capitol Bldg.
The briefing will cover the processes and timeline the Redistricting Committee will be following through the special session.
There will be time available for comments from senators only on issues related to redistricting. There will be no proposed maps at this briefing as none have yet been proposed by the committee. There will be more details to follow on a briefing featuring the Redistricting Committee’s proposed plans.
The Redistricting Committee adopted its “Operating Procedures” and “Administrative Guidelines” that govern mapmaking and plan development — you can review them on the Redistricting Committee’s website.
Special Session Schedule
September 1, 2021
Link to 2021 Special Session Calendar
As you know, the special session will convene on September 13, at 10:00 a.m. Prior to that date, I have been informed by Chair Linehan that the Redistricting Committee will vote on a redistricting plan (for all 7 maps), and make those maps public, to provide as much notice to the public as possible regarding the proposed plan in advance of the public hearings.
The Redistricting Committee will hold hearings in each of the three congressional districts as required by rule. Those hearings will be on September 14, 15, and 16. The information is as follows and will be posted on the appropriate public pages of the Nebraska Legislature’s website:
- September 14 at 1:30pm
- Central Community College
- 3134 W. Hwy 34
- Room 555, Health Science Education Center
- 3134 W. Hwy 34
- Grand Island, NE
- September 15 at 9:00am
- Nebraska State Capitol Bldg.
- 1445 K St.
- Room 1524
- Lincoln, NE
- September 16 at 10:00am
- Scott Conference Center
- 6450 Pine St.
- Omaha, NE
On September 13, I anticipate that we will gavel in the session and that the plan will be introduced. We will then stand at ease to allow for the plan to be read across, referred to the Referencing Committee, and to allow the Referencing Committee to refer the plans and have the reference report reported to the floor. In addition, we will need to stand at ease long enough for the hearing notices to be completed and read across.
On September 14-16, in addition to the Redistricting Committee hearings, some standing committees will conduct hearings on gubernatorial appointments (such appointments are considered “administrative” and accordingly can be completed during the special session). At this time those committees include: Education, General Affairs, Government, HHS, Natural Resources, Judiciary, Business and Labor, and Retirement. For members not serving on any of these committees, September 14-16 will be check-in days only.
I anticipate that general file debate will begin on Friday, September 17. Right now please plan on September 17 being at least a full day (with a 5 p.m. or later adjournment). Work will extend to that Saturday, September 18, with a potential 8:00 a.m. start time. The next week please reserve, for now, late nights every day of the week, including Friday September 24.
As mentioned, I am working on a supplemental protocol and procedures memo, and will have that to the body by early next week.
Please contact me with any questions.
- Speaker Mike Hilgers
The Redistricting Committee will meet Monday, August 30th, at 10:00 AM in Room 1113 of the State Capitol Bldg.
- Analysis of the numbers – a review of Census Data for Congress Districts, Legislature Districts, Public Service Commission Districts, Supreme Judicial Districts, State Board of Education and University of Nebraska Board of Regents Districts. This review will also include Census Data regarding race and minority districts. Finally, clarification regarding any questions on differential privacy.
- Subcommittees – A discussion on forming subcommittees.
- Adopt the Administrative Guidelines and Operating Procedures – Review rules proposed by Legislative staff to provide a framework for our process and information to those who are not on the committee. It will be the intent of the committee to ensure that every Senator has access to Census data and available map tools and capability.
- Map training for Redistricting Committee members and staff – this will be an hour-long session which will provide members the basics of the mapping software and enable them to put together and save a map with districts.
- Committee Draft Map discussion, assignments, and deadlines.
- Other items and questions.
If you have any questions, please feel free to Senator Linehan 402-471-2885 or Benjamin Thompson at Legislative Research Office 402-471-0077.
Census Counts for Existing Districts and Areas
- Board of Education Districts
- Congressional Districts
- Counties
- Judiciary/Supreme Court
- Legislature
- NU Board of Regents
- Public Service Commission
Notice of Hearing for LR 134
The Redistricting Committee will have a hearing on the guidelines for the redistricting process for 2021. The hearing on LR 134 will be held on Tuesday, May 18, 2021 at 8:00 a.m. in Room 1524 of the State Capitol Bldg.
The resolution and notice of hearing can be found at: