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Julie Slama

Sen. Julie Slama

District 1

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Week of March 16th
June 1st, 2020

Letter to the Class of 2020

These past few weeks have been tough. No student would complain much about an extended summer break, but for you, some of your most sacred rites of passage, like graduation and senior prom, are in limbo. You are also old enough to understand the comfort in asking trusted adults, “What happens next?” and receive an answer.

However, we are in a period of time where no one knows what happens next.

This is a pivotal coming-of-age moment for you. Each generation in American history has faced one. My generation had 9/11. Generations before faced the Cold War, Pearl Harbor, the Great Depression, and so on. Each generation in American history has faced a moment, much like you are facing today, when the adults you trust for guidance have no clue about what the coming months will bring.

These are moments, enshrined in history, when generations of young people realize that the world is something greater than themselves.

Class of 2020, the COVID-19 outbreak will force you to make some big sacrifices. Athletic and competitive academic careers may end prematurely, prom may not occur, and graduation ceremonies may be postponed. However, in the grand scheme of things, you are the most fortunate generation in American history. Your country is not asking you to go to war- we are simply asking you to stay home.

Make no mistake about it, you will read about this outbreak in history textbooks for generations to come. Class of 2020, it’s in your hands to contribute to this chapter. Some will fail in realizing this is a moment greater than themselves- all one needs to do is see throngs of college students partying in Florida for Spring Break to understand that- and others will thrive.

So, Class of 2020, I’m asking you to set the example. Stay home. Complete your homework on time. Avoid parties and sleepovers. Be kind.

You are likely not going to die in this outbreak, but thousands already have and thousands more will, especially if necessary precautions are not taken.

Class of 2020- I’m so sorry you are missing out on rites of passage those before you have taken for granted. However, you have a chance to leave your mark on history, simply by staying home. It’s your time to shine. The next column will cover resources available to small business owners. 

As always, I welcome your input on issues important to you. Follow along on my Facebook and Twitter pages, both entitled “Senator Julie Slama” for more updates, or contact me directly at Senator Julie Slama, District 1 State Capitol, PO Box 94604, Lincoln, NE 68509-4604; telephone 402-471-2733; email:

Sen. Julie Slama

District 1
Room 1117
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2733
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