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Myron Dorn

Sen. Myron Dorn

District 30

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November Update
November 13th, 2020

The holiday season is nearly here. I want to wish everyone in District 30 a Happy Thanksgiving. We have all been saying “what a year!” and there has been much uncertainty and loss and still many unknowns ahead. Yet we can and should take stock of all the things for which we can be thankful in our great state.

Celebrating Veterans Day this week was a great reminder to be thankful for the freedoms we have in this country, and to remember the debt of gratitude we owe to those who served and are serving our country right now.

I also want to take this opportunity to urge you in the strongest terms to follow the guidelines issued by our public health officials. After meeting with hospital administrators and health professionals this week, I can tell you that if we do not act to curb the pandemic, the situation is poised to get much worse than it is even now. Any efforts we can make to slow the spread of the virus will have a direct impact on saving lives, preserving hospital beds, and keeping our communities open.

The only way to keep our schools open is to slow the pandemic. We all know that education is vitally important; but there is also an economic impact when schools have to close and parents are forced to make decisions about going to work. Keeping the teachers, support staff and students all healthy is crucial.

Another consideration is hospital capacity. We need health care workers and hospital staff to stay virus-free. We need hospital rooms and equipment available for both those who contract Covid, and those who have other serious or unexpected health issues. Think about this – if you are involved in an accident, or maybe have a heart attack, you want the hospital to have the staff and space to care for you in an emergency.

Our local businesses need our support, and we need to do that as safely as possible. They have devised creative ways to keep providing goods and services, maintain jobs and keep the area economy going. We absolutely must continue that momentum.

The bottom line is simple – for yourself and for the sake of others, wear a face covering/mask. Wash your hands. Maintain a safe distance from others. Avoid large gatherings and confined spaces of all kinds. If we do this NOW, we can shorten the time frame of ending this pandemic. Please, join me in working together for the benefit of everyone.

Related to the pandemic, and as you may have seen in the news, members of the Legislature were supposed to hold the annual Council meeting in Mullen late last week. Due to the uptick in virus numbers and the quarantine of several members and staff, that event was postponed. It is required by statute that the council meeting be held between 30 to 60 days before session starts in January. Plans are being developed to make that happen as soon as possible with appropriate restrictions.

Two years ago, when I had just been elected, I appreciated the time at the Council meeting to get to know my fellow senators, go through some orientation and hear updates on the issues. Eight new senators-elect will be joining the Legislature after winning in their respective districts. Three of those are former state senators and will bring a wealth of knowledge and an understanding of the legislative process. As a returning member of the Legislature this year, I look forward to meeting those newly elected and seeing my old colleagues, even if the format is modified.

In the past month, I have attended outdoor events in Bennet, Adams and Beatrice. I was able to address the Hickman City Council, speak virtually at the southeast Nebraska area Chamber of Commerce program, and meet with agricultural groups, area ESU and school superintendents via zoom. The Drive Time Lincoln program on KLIN radio invited me to talk about the Beltway project and tax issues in District 30.

My staff and I are working with the Department of Health and Human Services on rural health initiatives and of course, our continued concerns with BSDC (Beatrice State Developmental Center). We are also working with county officials on some tax legislation. The Appropriations Committee has met several times in the past few weeks to discuss the budget for next year and hear updates from state agencies.

If you have any concerns, ideas or suggestions, please contact my office at any time. Phone 402-471-2620 or send me an email at Please wear a mask! Happy Thanksgiving!


Sen. Myron Dorn

District 30
Room 1208
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2620
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