The official site of the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature

Judiciary Committee

January 3rd, 2024

The Judiciary Committee is responsible for processing legislation involving the following subject areas:

  • courts; judges; procedures; Rules of Evidence; judicial districts; jurisdiction; juvenile code
  • criminal code; crimes and punishments; capital punishment
  • guardianships and conservatorships
  • probate
  • community corrections
  • law enforcement; State Patrol
  • criminal procedure; crime victim’s reparations
  • civil procedure; civil law
  • probation; parole
  • real property; conveyances; liens; condemnation; eminent domain; landlords and tenants
  • marriage and divorce; child custody
  • child support; parenting time
  • liens; liability; tort claims; civil rights; arbitration; obscenity; abortion
  • immigration
  • handgun permits; possession and use of guns

During session, the Judiciary Committee meets on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays in Room 1113 on the 1st floor of the Capitol.

Nebraska’s unique Unicameral Legislature relies heavily on the “second house” – the citizens of the State of Nebraska. Ensuring that members of the public have the opportunity to have their voices heard is vital to the legislative process. The link below explains the ways for citizens to share their views on a bill with the Legislature.

Public Input Options.

January 24th, 2023


Summary of AM2355 to LB920

Post-JRI Crime Trends in Other States

NDCS Facility Proposal Slides

NDCS Prison Proposal

Omaha shows stiffer sentences aren’t only way to tackle gun violence OWH January 16 2022

NECJR Working Group Final Report

Well-worn path to prison in North Omaha fuels racial incarceration disparities OWH March 6 2022

Second CJI Presentation to NCJRWG

LR424 2015 Report

JFA Projections 2020

Gun law shifted hundreds of gun cases from federal courts — at state taxpayer expense OWH January 13 2022

Nebraska’s habitual criminal convictions fall inconsistently across county, racial lines LJS December 6 2021

Nebraska gun law helped spark nation-leading prison growth OWH January 9 2022

NDCS Q4 2021 Population Summary

NDCS Capacity and ADP 1982-2030

AM911 to LB383 2021

Alvine Engineering NSP Useful Life Engineering Study 2022

2014 NDCS Correctional Facility Master Plan

First CJI Presentation to NCJRWG

Felonies Classification of Penalties 28-105

CJI Overview Presentation for Senators

Chart of Projected Population with Replacement Prison

NECJR WG Final Report


The following is information to assist you in presenting your testimony to the committee at a public hearing


  • Senator Steve Lathrop, Chair……………….…Omaha / District 12
  • Senator Patty Pansing-Brooks, V Chair..…Lincoln / District 28
  • Senator Tom Brandt..……………………..….Plymouth / District 32
  • Senator Wendy DeBoer…………………….Bennington/ District 10
  • Senator Suzanne Geist……………………………Lincoln/ District 25
  • Senator Terrell McKinney…………………….….Omaha/ District 11
  • Senator Adam Morfeld……………………………Lincoln/ District 46
  • Senator Julie Slama………………………………….…..Peru/ District 1

The order in which the committee will take up bills will be as posted on the Agenda but will be subject to change at the discretion of the chairperson.


The Legislature will no longer be accepting written testimony prior to the committee hearing in lieu of in person appearance. To appear on the transcript and committee statement, a testifier must physically appear before a committee and be available to answer questions from the committee members.

1) In-Person Testimony:

As always, persons attending a public hearing will have an opportunity to give verbal testimony.
Fill out a yellow testifier sheet only if you are actually testifying before the committee – Please PRINT legibly. Hand the yellow testifier sheet to the page as you come forward to testify.
*Only persons verbally testifying before the committee will be included on the Committee Statement

There is also a separate sign-in sheet available at the table for people who are present at the hearing who wish to express their support or opposition to a bill, but do not wish to testify. This sheet will be included as an exhibit in the official hearing record. Sign this sheet only if you are not testifying.

2) Position Letters for the Official Record – (please note changes)

If you are not testifying in person at a public hearing on a bill or resolution and would like to submit written comments to be included in the official hearing record as an exhibit,  you will find a link to submit your comments online at   Input the LB you are interested in, and click on the box that says “Submit Comments Online”.  Fill out all of the required fields and check the box that says you want your comments included in the official hearing record.  Comments for the record are allowed once a bill has been scheduled for public hearing and must be submitted prior to 12:00 p.m. CST on the last work day prior to the public hearing to be included in the official hearing record.

The comments submitted online prior to the deadline and identified as comments for the public hearing record will be the only method for submission of official hearing record comments other than testifying in person.  Letters and comments submitted via email or hand-delivered will no longer be included as part of the hearing record although they are a viable option for communicating your views with an individual senator. 

The introducer of the bill will make an opening statement, followed by testimony from proponents, opponents and neutral testimony. Closings are reserved for the introducing senator only.

When you come forward to testify, hand your yellow testifier sheet to the page. Please state your first and last name and SPELL THEM FOR THE RECORD before proceeding with your testimony.

We use a light system with a time limit for all testifiers other than the introducer of the bill. The green light will come on when you start, the yellow light is your one-minute warning, and the red light means to wrap up your final thought and stop. The committee members may also ask you questions at the conclusion of your testimony.

– If you have a prepared statement, it is helpful to make 10 copies for the committee and staff. Written materials will be passed out by the pages and recorded as exhibits
– Use of props is not allowed as they cannot be made part of the official record.
– If you are following other testifiers, please listen to their comments and try not to be repetitive.
– Applause or demonstrations of any sort are not permitted.

Committee Members
  • Sen. Justin Wayne, Chairperson
  • Sen. Carol Blood
  • Sen. Carolyn Bosn
  • Sen. Wendy DeBoer
  • Sen. Barry DeKay
  • Sen. Rick Holdcroft
  • Sen. Teresa Ibach
  • Sen. Terrell McKinney
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