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Steve Erdman

Sen. Steve Erdman

District 47

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Straight Talk From Steve…
July 19th, 2019


This week I want to bring to your attention a matter of great concern to everyone living in Western Nebraska. In case you haven’t heard, an irrigation tunnel in Eastern Wyoming recently collapsed, which carries water to 104,000 acres of agricultural land.

This canal originates in Eastern Wyoming and irrigates approximately 50,000 acres in that state. As the irrigation waters cross the border into the Panhandle of Nebraska, it waters another 50,000 acres in Scotts Bluff County alone.

The irrigation tunnel that collapsed runs through a large hill in Eastern Wyoming. The collapsing of the tunnel created a sinkhole on the hill that is 100 feet across and 50 feet deep. The top of the tunnel is still more than 100 feet below the bottom of this sinkhole.

Governor Ricketts, the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources, the Nebraska Director of Agriculture and me are involved in talks with the management of the irrigation canal to see how we might help the situation. We will assist in any way we can.

We have been in contact with the Governor of Wyoming, State Legislators in Wyoming, and others who may be able to help resolve this problem. The tunnel collapse is a huge economic catastrophe for farmers in Eastern Wyoming and Western Nebraska. This catastrophe will affect the economies of both states.

Unless irrigation waters can be restored to these regions in a timely manner, crops will die. This could mean the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars in agricultural revenues in our state. Even if we were to fix the problem in a couple of weeks, it could still result in significant losses in yields for those crops that are in dire need of irrigation waters during these hot summer days in the middle of July.

This disaster will likely effect more agricultural acres than the flooding that occurred in Easter Nebraska earlier this spring. Some may be tempted to think that this issue is isolated to those farmers living in Scotts Bluff County or Western Nebraska, but its effects will be felt all across the state.

I cannot emphasize enough how serious this disaster is for everyone involved. This could likely force some agricultural producers and families in Western Nebraska, as well as some businesses that deal directly with agriculture, to face the threat of bankruptcy. When crops are threatened, it puts an undue strain on the spouses and children of farming families, as well as others, such as landlords, who are associated with the agricultural industry of our state. Ultimately, all Nebraskans will feel the effects of this disaster because agriculture is the engine that drives our State’s economy.

Just as Nebraskans pulled together during the spring to help with those victims of the floods we also need to ban together to help those affected by this issue as well. So as you ask the question, “How can I help?” The answer is to pray. Pray for those making the decisions about repairing the irrigation canal, and pray for those affected by the lack of irrigation water.
While most farmers have crop insurance, they will likely only recover the cost of what they have already put into the ground. Crop insurance usually doesn’t cover the yield. So, there will be no revenue left to pay property taxes, mortgages, and other living expenses associated with an agricultural operation.

I will keep you informed as we go through the process of resolving this issue. Thank you for caring for our agricultural families and thank you for praying. May God save our crops, and may God bless Western Nebraska.

Sen. Steve Erdman

District 47
Room 1124
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2616
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