The official site of the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature

Executive Board of the Legislative Council

Pursuant to the majority recommendation by the Economic Recovery Special Committee (LB 1024), the Executive Board has voted to approve awarding the bid to Olsson.

Pursuant to the majority recommendation by the STAR WARS Committee (LB 406), the Executive Board has voted to approve awarding the bid to HDR.

LB406 calls for The Statewide Tourism and Recreational Water Access and Resource Sustainability (STAR WARS) Special Committee of the Legislature to conduct a comprehensive study of certain identified geographic areas around the state of Nebraska to identify potential projects and opportunities to enhance the value of those areas to the citizens of Nebraska including, but not limited to, opportunities for economic development, tourism and recreation, flood control, and water sustainability.

Responsibilities for this solicitation reside with the STAR WARS Special Committee. The point of contact (POC) is as follows:

Name:             Senator Dan Hughes

                        Chair, Executive Board of the Legislative Council

Agency:           Legislative Council

Address:          1445 K Street

                         P.O. Box 94604

                        State Capitol

                        Lincoln, NE 68509

Telephone:      402-471-2805


The last day to submit written questions to POC at is June 11, 2021.

Responses to written questions are posted here:


  1. How much of the economic impact being sought is related to water-based recreation, and how much of it would be related to higher level of job creation, new housing, etc?

Response: There is no defined, quantitative percentage allocation between water-based recreation vs economic impact from other means–the STAR WARS Committee is open to all proposals.

  1. What is anticipated for a milestone or final deliverable?

Response: The STAR WARS Committee will operate into 2022 but as noted in the RFP, extra consideration will be given to those proposals that can be completed in calendar year 2021 in time for the 2022 session. The completed study must address each of the issues identified under “Nature, Scope, and General Requirements” of the RFP.  

The final deliverable must include recommendations, along with the necessary backup to support the recommendations.

  1. Shall we submit the proposal in digital form or printed form?   If printed, how many copies do you need?

Response: Digital submissions are preferred.   


Nebraska’s unique Unicameral Legislature relies heavily on the “second house” – the citizens of the State of Nebraska. Ensuring that members of the public have the opportunity to have their voices heard is vital to the legislative process.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created unique health and safety concerns. The Legislature has considered and adopted expanded methods by which the public can provide input into the legislative process so that citizens who have safety concerns about in-person testifying have multiple opportunities to have their voice heard as part of the legislative and committee process.

The following options provide ways for citizens to share their views on a bill with the Legislature. Please read each option carefully, as each has a different outcome as to how your input is recorded.

As always, persons attending a public hearing in person will have an opportunity to present verbal testimony to the committee and be subject to questioning by the committee members. In-person testimony is generally limited to 5 minutes although the chair of each committee has discretion to modify that time limit.

Persons verbally testifying will be listed as a testifier on the committee statement as has been the practice, and have their position included within the official committee hearing record

As part of the Nebraska Legislature’s procedural modifications in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, during the 2021 Session, the standing committees will be accepting submitted written testimony for public hearings on a bill or resolution when the following specific procedures outlined below are met.

The intent of this option is to create a substitute for those who are concerned about safety by testifying in person but wish to have their testimony submitted, name recorded on the committee statement, and included in the formal committee hearing record as if they had testified in person. Please note that the committee statement will note that the testimony was provided in writing with no opportunity for the committee members to question the testifier.

In order to take advantage of this option, the following six requirements must be met:

  1. Submission of written testimony will only be accepted between 8:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. in the respective hearing room where the bill will be heard later that day.
  2. Individuals must present their written testimony in person during this time frame and sign the submitted written testimony record at the time of submission on the day of the hearing on the bill.
  3. The testifier must submit 12 copies. Failure to submit the required number of copies will result in the treatment of the submission as a position letter and not written testimony.
  4. The written testimony must be a written statement that is no longer than 2 single-spaced, typed pages or 4 double-spaced, typed pages in length.
  5. Only the written testimony from the person delivering the testimony will be accepted. No handouts, testimony, or letters from other individuals may be included outside of an individual’s written testimony.
  6. Written testimony will be handed out to each member of the committee during the hearing and made available as part of the hearing transcript when the transcript is made public.

Failure to meet all of these procedures for submitted written testimony will result in the person providing the testimony to not be listed on the committee statement as a written testifier, however, the testimony will be included in the official hearing record as an exhibit.

If you are not testifying in person on a bill or resolution, or submitting written testimony in person on a bill (Option 2), but would like to submit a position letter to be included in the official hearing record as an exhibit, you must deliver your letter to the office of the committee chair or emailed to the committee’s email account List of Committee Emails by 12:00 p.m. CST on the last work day prior to the public hearing.  *The Executive Board’s email account is

Letters emailed (and not hand-delivered) will not be included as part of the public hearing record if sent to any email other than the committee’s email account

Your letter must identify the bill or resolution, include your name and address, state a position of for, against, or neutral, on the bill in question and include a request for the letter to be included as part of the public hearing record.

Please note that mass communications will also not be included as part of the official hearing record as an exhibit regardless of delivery time or requests to have the communication included.

In order to facilitate public input on legislation, a new feature has been added to the Nebraska Legislature’s website for submission of written comments on pending legislation on the Legislature’s website at any stage of the process. (To access this feature, search for the bill you wish to submit a statement on and click the corresponding button near the top of the bill page.)

These submissions will not be considered testimony or part of the public hearing record, but the submitted comments will be available for access by senators and staff throughout the session. Please note, there should be no expectation of privacy regarding comments submitted in this format. If a citizen uses the database to submit his or her views prior to the public hearing on a bill or resolution, this option will allow input to the members of the committee prior to any committee votes.

Committee Members
  • Sen. Ben Hansen, Chairperson
  • Sen. John Arch
  • Sen. Beau Ballard
  • Sen. Eliot Bostar
  • Sen. Myron Dorn
  • Sen. John Fredrickson
  • Sen. Teresa Ibach (VC)
  • Sen. Mike Jacobson
  • Sen. Terrell McKinney
  • Sen. Robert Clements (Ex)
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