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Dave Murman

Sen. Dave Murman

District 38

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As we read and watch the national news, attacks on some of our basic constitutional rights from both the legislative and executive branches of government in Washington D.C. seem to be introduced with greater frequency and have become more audacious as time goes on.


In response to these ever increasing assaults, Legislative Resolution 107 was introduced in the Nebraska Legislature this year by Senator Mike Groene of North Platte.   This resolution was co-sponsored by thirty additional state senators; including myself.


In summary, LR 107 makes the following resolutions:


  • It reaffirms our oath to maintain and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Nebraska Constitution.


  • It recognizes that recent legislative and executive actions have the consequence of limiting states’ rights and sovereignty as well as the rights and liberties of the people.


  • It protests plans to take action to violate our Second Amendment rights as well as those rights given by the Constitution of Nebraska to “keep and bear arms for security or defense of self, family, home and others, . . .”[1]


  • It protests federal government actions that would violate our First Amendment rights concerning the free exercise of religion as well as comparable rights provided by the Nebraska Constitution with regard to sexuality and the sanctity of life.


  • It expresses distress as the prospect of proposed federal legislation that would dictate uniform election rules given the constitutional intent that the election process be left primarily to state legislatures.[2]


  • It protests the stated goal of the executive branch to put thirty percent of the land and water in the United States under permanent protection by the year 2030[3] and expresses concern about our rights under the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution that states, “No person shall . . . be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; . . .”


  • It protests potential federal mandates that restrains a person’s right to peaceably assemble or restrict their freedom to travel or conduct commerce by mandating the vaccinations or vaccine passports.


Although yet to be advanced out of Legislature’s Executive Board, LR 107 has already faced a concerted attack by some who would like to kill it.  Be assured, as a co-signer of LR 107, I will continue to support efforts to advance this resolution through the legislative process to reaffirm our constitutional rights and protest federal overreach.


I would welcome any comments, questions or ideas you may have on this or any other issue.  Please feel free to email me at or call my office at 402-471-2732.

[1] Nebraska Constitution, Article 1, Section 1.

[2] U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 4.

[3] Executive Order 14008, signed January 27, 2021.

Sen. Dave Murman

District 38
Room 1107
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2732
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