The official site of the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature

Appropriations Committee

January 8th, 2025

The Appropriations Committee is responsible for processing legislation involving the following subject areas:

  • appropriations bills
  • support of state government
  • capital construction
  • senators’ salaries
  • salaries of constitutional officers
  • deficiency appropriations
  • appropriations for special purposes or projects
  • special fund creation
  • exchanges between or disbursements from various funds
  • state employee compensation
  • state contributions to state employees’ group health insurance
  • substantive program provisions within the jurisdictions of other committees that also contain provisions for major appropriations.

During session, the Appropriations Committee meets Monday through Friday.

Nebraska’s unique Unicameral Legislature relies heavily on the “second house” – the citizens of the State of Nebraska. Ensuring that members of the public have the opportunity to have their voices heard is vital to the legislative process. The link below explains the ways for citizens to share their views on a bill with the Legislature.

Public Input Options.

January 5th, 2022

The Legislature will no longer be accepting written, submitted testimony prior to the committee hearing. To appear on the transcript, a testifier must physically appear before a committee and be available to answer questions from the committee members.


In Person Testimony

As always, persons attending a public hearing in person will have an opportunity to present verbal testimony to the committee.

Position Comments for the Public Hearing Record

If you are not testifying in person at a public hearing on a bill or resolution and would like to submit written comments to be included in the official hearing record as an exhibit, you will find a link to submit your comments online on the chamber viewer page for each bill or resolution. Comments are allowed once a bill has been scheduled for public hearing and must be submitted prior to 12:00 p.m. CST on the last work day prior to the public hearing to be included in the official hearing record.

The comments submitted online prior to the deadline and identified as comments for the public hearing record will be the only method for submission of official hearing record comments other than testifying in person. Letters and comments submitted via email or hand-delivered will no longer be included as part of the hearing record although they are a viable option for communicating your views with an individual senator.

Submission of Online Comments

In order to facilitate public input on legislation, a feature was added to the Nebraska Legislature’s website for submission of written comments on pending legislation on the Legislature’s website at any stage of the process.

For more information, please see the Legislature’s Public Input Options page at


Since the Appropriations Committee does not individually advance bills that are included in the budget, we have provided a summary of committee action on bills referred to the committee. Though these summaries are not official committee statements, they are intended to read similarly.  You will find information on testifiers, statements of intent, the funding requested and the action the committee took regarding the bill. Bills that were advanced individually from the Committee are not included in this summary. Such bills have official committee statements that can be found on this website.

2017 Appropriations Committee Bill Summaries

Since the Appropriations Committee does not individually advance bills that are included in the budget, we have provided a summary of committee action on bills referred to the committee. Though these summaries are not official committee statements, they are intended to read similarly.  You will find information on testifiers, statements of intent, the funding requested and the action the committee took regarding the bill. Bills that were advanced individually from the Committee are not included in this summary. Such bills have official committee statements that can be found on this website.

2016 Appropriations Committee Bill Summaries

Since the Appropriations Committee does not individually advance bills that are included in the budget, we have provided a summary of committee action on bills referred to the committee. Though these summaries are not official committee statements, they are intended to read similarly.  You will find information on testifiers, statements of intent, the funding requested and the action the committee took regarding the bill. Bills that were advanced individually from the Committee are not included in this summary. Such bills have official committee statements that can be found on this website.

2015 Appropriations Committee Bill Summaries


Since the Appropriations Committee does not advance budget bills individually, we have provided summaries of bills incorporated into the Committee’s budget proposal. Though these summaries are not official committee statements, they are intended to read similarly. You will find information on testifiers, statements of intent, the funding requested and the action the committee took regarding the bill.

LB666 Bill Hearing Summary
LB669, 1086, 1094 Bill Hearing Summary
LB678 Bill Hearing Summary
LB689 Bill Hearing Summary
LB738 Bill Hearing Summary
LB764 Bill Hearing Summary
LB797 Bill Hearing Summary
LB827 Bill Hearing Summary
LB873 Bill Hearing Summary
LB874 Bill Hearing Summary
LB889 Bill Hearing Summary
LB891 Bill Hearing Summary
LB936 Bill Hearing Summary
LB940,1046,1047 Bill Hearing Summary
LB944 Bill Hearing Summary
LB1033 Bill Hearing Summary

Committee Members
  • Sen. Robert Clements, Chairperson
  • Sen. Christy Armendariz (VC)
  • Sen. Myron Dorn
  • Sen. Robert Dover
  • Sen. Machaela Cavanaugh
  • Sen. Loren Lippincott
  • Sen. Jason Prokop
  • Sen. Jared Storm
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